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Elizabeth Anne Oltedal


Institutt for musikk




Stemma og stilla i musikk og litteratur. Festskrift til Magnar Åm [ISBN 978-82-02-76109-7] 416s.
Published 2022 by Geir Petter Hjorthol, Helga Synnevåg Løvoll, Elizabeth Oltedal, Jan Inge Sørbø
Publisher: Cappelen Damm Akademisk

Shosholoza - five songs from South Africa for mixed choir 20s.
Published 2002 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Scientific articles and book chapters

Eit dobbelt privilegium – mål og meining i eit uvanleg bygdekor
Published 2022 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Meininga i mellomromma: Ei innleiing
Published 2022 by Geir Petter Hjorthol, Helga Synnevåg Løvoll, Elizabeth Oltedal, Jan Inge Sørbø

Low stakes and high temperatures: A study of music performance assessment in teacher panels in terms of micropolitics
Published 2020 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges of assessing music performance: teachers’ perceptions
Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Music Performance Assessment: Using Video to Research Teachers’ Assessment Meetings
Published 2017 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Teachers’ assessment experiences and perceptions in the practical-aesthetic subjects
Published 2016 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem, Ole Martin Kleivenes, Kari Ryslett, Thorstein Vasset

Bendik and Aarolilja: An example of arts partnership material for schools?
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Ei verd av musikk - også i barnehagen?
Published 2006 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Other works

Musikkinnslag ved utdeling av FoU-prisen, Høgskulen i Volda
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Haustkonsert, Symfoniorkesteret ved Høgskulen i Volda
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

"Theresienmesse" (Haydn)
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

The Culture Mosaic – The development of in-depth learning contexts and strategies within schools of music and performing arts in a region of Norway
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Nasjonal festkonsert 17. mai 2023
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

75-års jubileum for Symfoniorkesteret ved Høgskulen i Volda, 29. januar 2023
Published 2023 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Haustkonsert 2022
Published 2022 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert ved 100-års markering for Kaarstad-huset, Høgskulen i Volda
Published 2022 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Gordian knots of ethnographic research
Published 2022 by Elizabeth Oltedal, David Gabriel Hebert, Silje Valde Onsrud

Tangokonsert - verk av Piazzolla, Bacalov m.fl.
Published 2021 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Conviction and compromise: Reflections on a study of instrumental teachers’ assessment practice
Published 2021 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Vurdering i instrumentalundervisninga: mellom overbevisning og kompromiss
Published 2020 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Purposes and priorities in performance assessment: Instrumental teachers’ conversation
Published 2020 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Interests, resources and strategies: viewing the grading discussions of instrumental teachers from a perspective of micropolitics
Published 2020 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Breaking the mould or choked at source? The implications of articulating purposes and outcomes for classes in intuitive composition.
Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus, Stein Helge Solstad, Magnar Åm

Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Nasjonal Festkonsert
Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Unge solistar
Published 2019 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges for the Assessment of Music Performance
Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Low stakes and high temperatures: music performance assessment in teacher panels in terms of micropolitics
Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Sendar og mottakar – kven gjev musikken meining?
Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Vurdering for læring: eit verkty for kulturskulen?
Published 2018 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Tendencies of social moderation in music performance assessment: two instrument groups
Published 2017 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Macrocriteria and micropolitics: a discussion of the usefulness of micropolitical theory as a conceptual lens for exploring the assessment dialogue of instrumental teachers
Published 2017 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges for social moderation in the assessment of music performance
Published 2017 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges for social moderation in the assessment of music performance - Poster
Published 2017 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges of collaborative assessment of music performance: teachers’ perceptions and practice.
Published 2016 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Assessing music performance: What counts?
Published 2016 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Challenges of assessing music performance: teachers’ perceptions and practice
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: The Mood is Swing
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Assessment of musical performance: a study of teachers’ assessment dialogue
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Assessing Music Performance Across Genres: How do Teachers Select and Adapt Criteria for the Assessment of Different Genres?
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal

The Impact Of Outcomes-Based Education On Assessment Practices In The Practical-Aesthetic Subjects: A Dilemma
Published 2015 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem

The suitability of qualitative case study methodology in research on music performance assessment
Published 2014 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Mellom overbevising og kompromiss? Vurderingspraksis i musikkutøving på vidaregåande skule
Published 2014 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Eit dobbelt privilegium
Published 2014 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Assessment in the practical and aesthetic subjects: teachers' perceptions
Published 2014 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Siv Therese Måseidvåg Gamlem, Thorstein Vasset, Ole Martin Kleivenes, Kari Ryslett

Planeten Mozart
Published 2014 by Elizabeth Oltedal

"Me syngja skal den nye song - Fornorskinga av salmeskatten"
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Ketil Grøtting, Henny Marie Koppen, Svein Hunnes

Konsert: "Fager er jordi"
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: "Fager er jordi"
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: Mozarts Requiem
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: Mozarts Requiem
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

"Me syngja skal den nye song". Fornorskinga av salmeskatten 30s.
Published 2013 by Anders Aschim, Elizabeth Oltedal, Per Halse, Ketil Grøtting, Henny Marie Koppen, Svein Hunnes, Jan Inge Sørbø, Birger Løvlie

Conviction and compromise: Assessment practices in instrumental teaching in Norwegian upper secondary schools
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Fagleg hovudansvarleg / local chair: International research seminar "Multimodalities: Aesthetic Dimensions in Music and Education Practices"
Published 2013 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Musikkprogram med Ragnhild Engeset på Volda Eldreuniversitet, oktober 2012, i samband med foredrag av Bjarte Engeset. Verk: Sibelius/Lastu lainehilla, Svendsen/Violen, Grieg/Attegløyma, Petersen Berger/Holder du av meg
Published 2012 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: Mass by Steve Dobrogosz
Published 2012 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsert: Mass by Steve Dobrogosz
Published 2012 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Musikkinnslag på Syng jula inn
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Adventskonsert 2011
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsertprogram (20 min) for 150 års jubileum for Volda lærarskule
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

To Palestrinamesser
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsertprogram for møte i Ørsta Sogelag
Published 2011 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Godt musikkperspektiv : bokomtale av "Musikk i perspektiv 1" av Hans Jacob Høyem Tronshaug og Svein Tørnquist
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Adventskonsert 2010
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Musikkinnslag, Arrangement ved Møre forsking Utdeling av kongens fortenestemedalje til Bjørn Stave. Musikkinnslag: "Jul, jul, strålande jul" av G. Nordquist, "Et lite barn så lystelig", "Mitt hjerte alltid vanker"
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Ragnhild Engeset

Händel: Messiah
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Stjerna fra øst Tekst: Geirr Lysstrup Musikk: Henning Sommerro
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsertprogram på konferansen "Livskunst"
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Konsert ved jubileum for Høyanger kyrkje
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Konsertprogram på konferansen "Livskunst"
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Studieprogramevaluering av bachelorutdanninga i musikk 2008-09 ved Høgskulen i Volda : intern rapport med m.a. kommentarar til den eksterne evalueringsrapporten 10s.
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Leif Barmen

Kyrkjekonsert, Riga
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Innslag på 2 konsertar, Sunnmøre kammermusikkfestival
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Innslag ved opning av Dei nynorske festspela
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Rossini: Petite messe solennelle
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Rossini: Petite messe solennelle
Published 2010 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Julenattine, Herøy
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Rossini: Petite messe solennelle
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Innslag under juleavslutning for AHL, HVO
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Ragnhild Engeset

Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Vivaldi: Gloria, Rutter: Gloria (1. sats)
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Adventskonsert 2009
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Innslag under utdeling av FOU-prisen 2009
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Bokomtale av "Musikkaktivitetar" av Knut Djupdal
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Vivaldis Gloria
Published 2009 by Henny Koppen, Elizabeth Oltedal, Øystein Salhus

Firegangeblues i hundre?
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Bendik and Aarolilja - an example of arts partnerships for schools?
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Språkstimulering med musikk i barnehagen
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Olav Stedje -konsert
Published 2009 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Fagdommar ved korkonkuransen Syng for Oss, Bergen
Published 2008 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Published 2008 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Vi vandrar saman
Published 2008 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Messiah - G.F. Händel
Published 2007 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Kulturelt mangfald i temaarbeid - refleksjonar knytt til gjennomføringa av prosjektet ”Barn frå andre land”, førskulelærarutdanninga haust 2004 Cultural diversity as theme work – reflections on a project in pre-school teachers’ education autumn 2004 14s.
Published 2005 by Åsne Halskau, Elizabeth Oltedal

Vi laga opera! Om prosjektet og metodikken We wrote an opera! About the project and the methods
Published 2005 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Skapande musikk i barnehagen Creative music in pre-schools
Published 2005 by Elizabeth Oltedal

"Write an Opera" at Slåtten School 32s.
Published 2005 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Gulatinget - opning av tusenårsstaden i Sogn og Fjordane Gulatinget - opening of Millennium Park for Sogn og Fjordane County
Published 2005 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Requiem, Maurice Duruflé
Published 2004 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Messiah - G.F. Händel
Published 2003 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Fire arrangement for mannskor
Published 2002 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Sør Afrika - eit tverrfagleg ressurshefte for bruk i ungdomsskule 95s.
Published 2002 by Elizabeth Oltedal, Henny Koppen

Requiem - Gabriel Fauré, Psalm 23 - John Rutter m.m
Published 2001 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Syng afrikansk!
Published 2001 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Eit barn er født i Betlehem
Published 2000 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Det lyser i stille grender
Published 2000 by Elizabeth Oltedal

Nu er det gamle år forsvundet
Published 2000 by Elizabeth Oltedal