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Ivar John Erdal






Digital samhandling : Fjordantologien 2020 [ISBN 978-82-15-03739-4] 395s.
Published 2020 by Lars Julius Halvorsen, Roar Stokken, Wenke Mork Rogne, Ivar John Erdal
Publisher: Universitetsforlaget

Scientific articles and book chapters

How should journalism education deal with evolving newsrooms? – Learning experiences from internships through online collaborative tools
Published 2024 by Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Charlotte Loxley Helleland, Tormod Utne

Convergence and Innovation: The Conceptual and Methodological Basis of Technological Evolution and Cultural Complexity in Journalism
Published 2022 by Ivar John Erdal, Ainara Larrondo, Javier Noci

Convergence and Innovation: The Conceptual and Methodological Basis of Technological Evolution and Cultural Complexity in Journalism
Published 2022 by Ainara Larrondo Ureta, Javier Diaz Noci, Ivar John Erdal

Education as innovation: Exploring the synergy of student-journalist collaboration
Published 2019 by Ivar John Erdal

Invisible Locative Media: Key Considerations at the Nexus of Place and Digital Journalism
Published 2019 by Ivar John Erdal, Kjetil Vaage Øie, Brett Oppegaard, Oscar Westlund

Convergence in/of Journalism
Published 2017 by Ivar John Erdal

Newsroom Convergence: A comparative study of European public service broadcasting organizations in Scotland, Spain, Norway, and Flemish Belgium
Published 2017 by Ainara Larrondo, Ivar John Erdal, Pere Masip, Hilde van den Bulck

Hva kjennetegner den flermediale nyhetsjournalistikken i NRK, sammenlignet med andre europeiske allmennkringkastere?
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Opportunities and Limitations of Newsroom Convergence: A comparative study on European Public Service Broadcasting organisations
Published 2014 by Ainara Larrondo, David Domingo, Ivar John Erdal, Pere Masip, Hilde van den Bulck

Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av en mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
Published 2014 by Ivar John Erdal, Torbjørn Frantsen, Carl Jørgen Nesset, Kjell Antvort

What media Logic? Organization of crossmedia production in two medium-sized Norwegian newsrooms
Published 2012 by Ivar John Erdal

Bridging the gap : towards a typology of cross-media news production processes
Published 2012 by Ivar John Erdal

Coming to terms with convergence journalism: Cross-media as a theoretical and analytical concept
Published 2011 by Ivar John Erdal

Lokalsamfunnsoppdraget på nett : fleirmediale nyhende i avishus og allmennkringkasting
Published 2010 by Ivar John Erdal

Repurposing of Content in Multi-Platform News Production: Towards a typology of cross-media journalism
Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Cross-Media (Re)Production Cultures
Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Flermedial nyhetsproduksjon og journalistiske kulturer i NRK
Published 2008 by Ivar John Erdal

Researching media convergence and cross-media news production. Mapping the field
Published 2007 by Ivar John Erdal

lokomotiver og sugerør - om medieplattformenes roller i en allmennkringkasters nyhetsorganisasjon
Published 2007 by Ivar John Erdal

Negotiating Convergence in News Production
Published 2007 by Ivar John Erdal

Other works

Recruitment practices in Norwegian media production companies​
Published 2023 by Irene Hillestad, Ivar John Erdal

Chasing strategies: A qualitative study of recruitment practices in smaller Norwegian media companies
Published 2023 by Irene Hillestad, Ivar John Erdal, Jon Harman, Kjetil Vaage Øie

Rapport fra sakkyndig bedømmelseskomite for stilling som førsteamanuensis/førstelektor innen digital medieanalyse st. nr. 30070948 – FSV – Bodø 6s.
Published 2022 by Frode Nesbø Nordås, Stine Agnete Sand, Ivar John Erdal

Velkommen inn! Eller? Ei kvalitativ studie av rekrutteringsstrategiar og -praksis i norske mediebedrifter
Published 2022 by Ivar John Erdal, Irene Hillestad, Jon Harman, Kjetil Vaage Øie

Journalism education and the “new normal” -Learning experiences from internship through online collaborative tools
Published 2022 by Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Charlotte Loxley Helleland, Tormod Utne, Olaug Bjørneset

What is journalism education supposed to be?
Published 2022 by Ivar John Erdal

Peripheral newcomers. Journalist students’ experiences of internship through online collaborative tools
Published 2021 by Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Tormod Utne, Olaug Bjørneset, Charlotte Loxley Helleland

Digital samhandling
Published 2020 by Lars Julius Halvorsen, Roar Stokken, Wenke Mork Rogne, Ivar John Erdal

Education as Innovation: Exploring the synergy of student-journalist collaboration.
Published 2019 by Ivar John Erdal

Locative Media En Plein Air. -Categorizing, Analyzing, and Creating Location-Based Narratives, Counter Narratives, and Other Types of Mobile Media In Situ
Published 2018 by Brett Oppegaard, Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Jordan Frith, Ana Rita Morais

Towards a Typology of Locative Media
Published 2018 by Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal, Brett Oppegaard

Experimental journalism: Collaborative learning and students entering the newsroom.
Published 2017 by Ivar John Erdal

Experimental journalism: Collaborative learning and students entering the newsroom.
Published 2017 by Ivar John Erdal, Tormod Utne, Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws

How locative are locative media? Towards a typology of locativeness in mobile media
Published 2017 by Kjetil Vaage Øie, Ivar John Erdal

Towards a model of locative journalism
Published 2016 by Ivar John Erdal

Nye digitale skilje?
Published 2016 by Ivar John Erdal

Det nye, digitale skiljet
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Dette er nyhetssiden du skal besøke når verden er vond eller du har en dårlig dag
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Oktoberfestavisa 2015
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Approaches to location-based journalism: A sketch for an experimental research design concerning mobile journalism.
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Volda medielab - ei eksperimentell tilnærming til mediedesign, journalistikk og turisme
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Barn og unge sin mediebruk
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

A comparison of crossmedia news journalism at the NRK with four similar European public service broadcasters.
Published 2015 by Ivar John Erdal

Arbeidsflyt og fysiske omgivelser - Flermedial nyhetsjournalistikk ved NRK Marienlyst.
Published 2014 by Ivar John Erdal

Published 2014 by Ivar John Erdal

Med lykke og poden på Facebook
Published 2014 by Ivar John Erdal, Marianne Hagelia, Albertine Aaberge

Situated technology and learning: Development of a mobile application for offshore safety training
Published 2013 by Torbjørn Frantsen, Ivar John Erdal

Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av ein mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
Published 2013 by Ivar John Erdal, Torbjørn Frantsen, Carl Jørgen Nesset

Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av en mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
Published 2013 by Ivar John Erdal

Situated technology and learning: Development of a mobile application for offshore safety training
Published 2013 by Ivar John Erdal

Truslar mot journalistar i Sogn og Fjordane
Published 2013 by Ivar John Erdal

Medier og informasjon som valgfag
Published 2013 by Ivar John Erdal

A mobile application for situated learning offshore. A VRI project in cooperation with Island Offshore Management, Ulsteinvik
Published 2012 by Ivar John Erdal, Carl Jørgen Nesset, Torbjørn Frantsen, Kjell Antvort

Situert teknologi og kompetansebygging: Utvikling av ein mobil applikasjon for opplæring offshore
Published 2012 by Ivar John Erdal, Kjell Antvort

Convergence in Public Media Groups: The case of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK)
Published 2011 by Ivar John Erdal

Where does the news come from? News flow between print newspapers, broadcasting and the web in Norway
Published 2011 by Ivar John Erdal

"Hvor kommer nyhetene fra? Nyhetsflyt mellom papiraviser, kringkasting og nettmedier" i NOU 2010: 14 Lett å komme til orde, vanskelig å bli hørt - en moderne mediestøtte [ISBN 978-82-583-1073-7] 11s.
Published 2010 by Ivar John Erdal

Nyhetsflyt mellom kringkasting, papiraviser og nettaviser
Published 2010 by Ivar John Erdal

Hvor kommer nyhetene fra?
Published 2010 by Ivar John Erdal

Antologi om fjernsynets møte med nye medier : bokmelding av "Fjernsyn i digitale omgivelser" / Roel Puijk (red.)
Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Convergence journalism and social responsibility
Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Structural enablements and constraints in digital news production systems
Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Published 2009 by Ivar John Erdal

Are We Paying Enough Attention to Space in Newsroom Studies?
Published 2008 by Ivar John Erdal

Cross-Media News Journalism. Institutional, Professional and Textual Strategies and Practices in Multi-Platform News Production 210s.
Published 2008 by Ivar John Erdal
Publisher: Unipub forlag

Researching media convergence and crossmedia news production. Mapping the field
Published 2005 by John Ivar Erdal