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Marie Nedregotten Sørbø


Institutt for språk og litteratur

Utdanning (education)

Cand.philol. in English, French and Christianity from The University of Bergen and Norsk Lærerakademi.

Pedagogisk seminar (pedagogy and didactics) from The University of Bergen.

Doktorgrad (PhD thesis)

Jane Austen's Irony as Received in Film Adaptations, Acta Humaniora no.377, 2008, Unipub, University of Oslo.

Undervisning (teaching)

SKR301 Skriftkulturar (Written Cultures) (master course)

SKR302 Vitskapsteori og metode (Theory and Method) (master course)

SKR305 Writing and Freedom in the English-Speaking World (master course)

Supervision of Master's theses in Anglo-Norwegian Written Cultures, English-language literature, Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century literary culture, women's literary history

Supervision of PhD-theses in literature 

Supervision of PostDoc-projects in women's literary history

ENG203 + MGL5-10EN3B + ULEENG3B: Adaptation and Translation (bachelor level specialization)

ENG213 Supervision of Bachelor theses in adaptation and translation

ENG142 + ENG144: Literature, culture and society after/before 1900

ENG2A + 2B KFK 5-10 Kompetanse for kvalitet (in-service courses for teachers)


Faglege interesser (fields of interest)

Kvinnelitteraturhistorie (women's literary history)

Litterær resepsjon/adaptasjon (the reception and adaptations of literary texts)

Litterær omsetting (literary translation)

Litteratur i skulen (literature in schools)

Forskingsgrupper (Research groups)

Leiar av (leader of):

Forskingsgruppe for litteratur, Høgskulen i Volda (research group for literature, Volda).

DARIAH-EU Women Writers in History (European working group of 90 scholars in digital humanities)

Forskingsprosjekt (Research Projects)

* HERA Travelling Texts 1790-1914: The Transnational Reception of Women's Writing at the Fringes of Europe. EU FP7 (2013-16). Norwegian 'Principal Investigator'.

* COST Action IS0901 Women Writers in History, EU FP7 (2009-13). Member of the Management Committee and active researcher.

Arbeidserfaring og verv (appointments and posts)

Associate of Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, since October 2018.

Visiting Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge, January - June 2018.

Visiting Academic at The Faculty of English, University of Cambridge, February - March 2016.

(Elected) Vice Rector of Volda University College 2011-15.

Appointed board member of Møreforsking (Møre Research institute) 2011-15.

Chair of the Norwegian Academic Association for English Studies, 2010 and 2011. Member of the same 1999-2002 og 2006-09.

Head of Department for English, Volda, 1989-90, 1991-95, 2010-11.

Visiting Fellow of Chawton House Library, February - March 2009.

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education, Volda, 1997-2003.

Elected member of the Board of Volda University College, 1997-2000.

Elected member of the Council of Volda Teacher Training College 1992-94.






Jane Austen Speaks Norwegian: The Challenges of Literary Translation [ISBN 9789004337169] 226s.
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers

Irony and Idyll: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park on Screen [ISBN 978-90-420-3846-2] 416s.
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø
Publisher: Rodopi

Scientific articles and book chapters

Jane Austen på Ivar Aasens mål: omsetjing som tolking, kjønn og samtid
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Berte Kanutte Aarflot
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kva ville dei med Hannah More i Noreg? Evangelikale og protofeministiske impulsar i litteraturen frå første halvdel av 1800-talet
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Challenges of Translating Jane Austen's Irony: Samples from 150 Years of Norwegian Versions of the Novels
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Bluestocking and Preacher: The Bifurcated Reception of Hannah More in Scandinavia
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Interpretations of Jane Austen's Irony on Screen and in Translations
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fourfold Female: Birgithe Kühle's Pioneer Norwegian Journal Provincial-Lecture (1794) and Her European Book Collection
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Elusive Women Authors in Norwegian Nineteenth-Century Reading Societies
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen på norsk
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Shakespeare and Austen Translated
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fighting for Her Profession: Dorothe Engelbretsdatter's Discourse of Self-Defence
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Interpretations of Jane Austen's Irony on Screen and in Translations: A Comparison of Some Samples
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Elusive Women Authors in Norwegian Nineteenth-Century Reading Societies
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Travelling Books: When Dorothe Engelbretsdatter went to America
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

George Eliot in Norway: The Enthusiasm that Petered Out
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen: Ironi under idyllen. Eller ein forfattar lid drukningsdøden
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen and Norway: Sharing the Long Road to Recognition
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Discovering an Unknown Austen: Persuasion in the Nineteenth Century
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Self-deceit or self-confidence : the view of the heroine in films based on Pride and Prejudice
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen and Norway: Sharing the Long Road to Recognition
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Can Narrative Irony be Preserved on Film? : a Comment on Four Adaptations
Published 2005 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Portrett av ei dame: Jane Austen i skandinaviske litteraturhistorier
Published 2004 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

From Dante to Dahl: or Out of the Inferno into the Chocolate Factory
Published 1996 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Other works

Eliza Haywood
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Charlotte Lennox
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Sarah Trimmer
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Mary Russell Mitford
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Månedens Klassiker: Stolthet og fordom (panelsamtale)
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Peter Fjågesund

Månedens klassiker: Stolthet og fordom (podkast)
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Månedens Klassiker: Wuthering Heights (podcast)
Published 2023 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Litteratursalong i løa
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Jan Inge Sørbø

Auld Lang Syne
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Lake Poets
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Charlotte Smith
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Is Jane Austen's Irony Relatable and Translatable Today?
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Northanger Abbey [ISBN 9788279593416] 328s.
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø
Publisher: Skald forlag

Ibsen & Austen: Stolthet og fordom
Published 2022 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Jørgen Haave, Sander Jordbakke

Leigh Hunt
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Maria Louise Ramé - Ouida
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Olive Schreiner
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Edward FitzGerald
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Marie Corelli
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Robert Southey
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Alice Meynell
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

George Meredith
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Susan Ferrier
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Maria Edgeworth
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Satire, Celebrity and Politics in Jane Austen, by Jocelyn Harris
Published 2021 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kvinner på forskingstoppen i Volda
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Dorothe Engelbretsdatter: i gløymeboka eller salmeboka? 340 års kamp for kvinner i salmebøker
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Utgis uten mannlig forfatterpseudonym
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Elizabeth Inchbald
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Frances Burney
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Edward Lear
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Charlotte Mary Yonge
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Mary Lamb
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Charles Lamb
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Kristian Smidt

Florence Marryat
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Frederick Marryat
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Dr Jekyll og Mr Hyde
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Robert Burns
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

William Godwin
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Henry Fielding
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Daniel Defoe
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Kristian Smidt

Gotisk roman
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Horace Walpole
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Kristian Smidt

Samuel Richardson
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Kristian Smidt

Mary Wortley Montagu
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Walter Scott
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

David Copperfield
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Robert Louis Stevenson
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Ellen Wood
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Margaret Oliphant
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Caroline Lamb
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

George Gordon Byron
Published 2020 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Kristian Smidt

Jane Austen snakkar norsk - men korleis?
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Dorothe Engelbretsdatter: The Fights of the First Poetess in Denmark-Norway. A Portrait of the Author.
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Robert Browning
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Ragnhild Vindhol Nessheim

Forfengelighetens marked
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Emily Brontë
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Anne Brontë
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Charlotte Brontë
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kan Jane Austen snakke norsk? Omsettingsproblem og praksis over to hundreår.
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Elizabeth Gaskell
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Hannah More
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Nineteenth-Century reception of Hannah More in Scandinavia: a sample of digital, feminist research methods
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen: Ironi og idyll
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

With inspiration from abroad: Norwegian pioneer editor Birgithe Kühle
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen snakker norsk
Published 2019 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Austen Passports
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The vagaries of reception in and outside the VRE NEWW Women Writers
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Reading Jane Austen
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

George Eliot
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Teaching Women Writers with NEWW Virtual Research Environment
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Katja Mihurko Poniz, Narvika Bovcon, Viola Parente-Capkova, Amelia Sanz, Suzan van Dijk, Ales Vaupotic

Oversettere tar seg store friheter
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

How well did Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet sing and play? Some illustrations of the challenges of translation.
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Gender and Historiography
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Suzan van Dijk, Viola Capkova Parente, Amelia Sanz, Katja Mihurko-Poniz, Isabel Lousada

Collaborating on a European scale
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Joanna Baillie
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen
Published 2018 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kva er kjønnsperspektiv i litteraturvitskap?
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Translating Women: Different Voices and New Horizons
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The NEWW VRE as a Resource for Bachelor's and Master's Theses: A Norwegian Test Case
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Possibilities for Horizon 2020 Applications
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Shared Discoveries: a Resurfaced Translation of a Novel by Jane Austen
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

200 år sidan Jane Austen døde
Published 2017 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Final Progress Report 2013-2016 79s.
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Henriette Partzsch, Suzan van Dijk, Katja Mihurko-Poniz, Paivi Lappalainen

Progress Report 4: 1 January 2016 - 31 August 2016 65s.
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Henriette Partzsch, Suzan van Dijk, Katja Mihurko-Poniz, Paivi Lappalainen

Dorothe Engelbretsdatter: The Fights of the First Poetess in Denmark-Norway
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Spoken Word: Travelling Texts. Norwegian contemporary authors meet their foremothers.
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Henriette Partzsch

Den utømmelige Jane Austen
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Hidden authors and serendipitous discoveries
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Transnational Connections and Literary History: Norway
Published 2016 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

I do not apologize for being born
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

A Patchwork of Women
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

A Belated Love Letter
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Connecting with modern authors and audiences: Meet your mother in Norway
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Connecting with modern authors and audiences
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Møt mora di: våre litterære formødrer
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen: populær, men ikkje forstått?
Published 2015 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

British Women in The North
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Taking stock: Critical, comparative report on the sources used in TTT 13s.
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Henriette Partzsch, Viola Parente-Capkova, Suzan van Dijk, Tanja Badalic

Travelling Texts around 1850: British Women embraced in The North
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Anglo-Nordic connections in turn-of-the-century feminism
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ironic Courtship Patterns and Film Reception
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Irony and Idyll in the Modern Film Reception of Jane Austen
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Unearthing Norwegian translations: the yield of the sources
Published 2014 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Norwegian Windows
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Anglophone Women Authors as Received in Four European Countries
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austens kvinner
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

A New Persuasion: The Discovery of a Nineteenth-Century Translation of Jane Austen
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Viktige kvinnestemmer: HVO med i topprangert forsking på kvinners skriving
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The fickleness of literary history: Jane Austen and George Eliot in Norwegian reception
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

British and Irish women authors received in other European countries
Published 2013 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen på film: kritikk og komikk
Published 2012 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fighting for her Profession: Dorothe's Discourse of Self-defence
Published 2012 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen og tantene - eit paradoks
Published 2012 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Bryllup med bismak: Jane Austens ironiske kjærleikshistorier
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Austen ingen snerpe
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

A Paradise for Women? England seen from Norway in 1858
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

George Eliot in Norway
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Genius and Housewife: The Norwegian Nineteenth-Century Reception of George Eliot
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Recluse of Norway in Austenland
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Image of the Female Author in Norwegian Translations of Burney, Eliot, Kennedy and Ward
Published 2011 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen på film - forvrenging eller fordjuping?
Published 2010 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Translation as Reception in the Norwegian Jane Austen
Published 2010 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Paratexts in Norwegian 19th Century Translations of British Novelists
Published 2010 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kva handlar Austen om? Det sære eller det søte?
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Faulty fathers or benevolent patriarchs? Mr Bennet and Sir Thomas on film
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Discovering the women of the past
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Doktoren svarer: Jane Austens ironi skal serveres med et smil - og akkurat passe stor distanse
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen - Irony or Idyll? The Reception of her Authorship through Film
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen's Irony as Received in Film Adaptations 391s.
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austens ironi
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen på film
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen’s Irony as Received in Film Adaptations 391s.
Published 2009 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø
Publisher: Unipub forlag

Dilla på Jane
Published 2008 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen i Norge
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Var ingen prippen frøken
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Very little white satin, very few lace veils: Jane Austen's endings
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Litterære ambisjoner?
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

C.S. Lewis og Narnia-bøkene
Published 2007 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Adapting Austen : a Discussion of Some Problems of Adapting Ironic Novels for the Screen [ISBN 8276612490] 36s.
Published 2006 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Gud i løveham : Om C. S. Lewis og Narnia-filmen
Published 2006 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Tro i et fantastisk univers
Published 2005 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Self-deceit or self-confidence : the view of the heroine in films based on "Pride and Prejudice"
Published 2005 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The Latecomer : Jane Austen in Norwegian Schools
Published 2005 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ending with a kiss or a laugh - does it make a difference? : Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and the 1995 BBC adaptation
Published 2004 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Recent Experiments with Film Narrators
Published 2003 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility
Published 2003 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Effusions of fancy by a very young girl in an entirely new style
Published 2003 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

A Polyphonic Undset? : Comments to Claudia Berguson: 'Genre and Authority'
Published 2003 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Litteratur som estetisk disiplin
Published 2003 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

The interpreter's limitedness and the text's inexhaustibility in Gadamer, Jauss, Iser and Benjamin
Published 2002 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Økologi og fiksjon
Published 2002 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ukens forsker
Published 2002 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Når fantasien forsvarar trua : om C. S. Lewis si dikting som apologetikk
Published 2002 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ringenes herre - tema hos Tolkien og i filmen
Published 2002 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

What (the) Dickens is this? : analysis of an extract in Flight 8
Published 2000 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Samordning av tradisjonar i høgskulane
Published 1999 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Poetry Hurrah! : a report from an experiment [ISBN 82-7661-098-6] 140s.
Published 1999 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Roald Dahl - mellom moralisme og makaber humor
Published 1997 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

From Dante to Dahl or Out of the inferno into the Chocolate Factory : a note on Roald Dahl's roots in literary traditions 25s.
Published 1996 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø
Publisher: Høgskulen i Volda

Roald Dahl's Roots in Literary Traditions
Published 1995 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fantastisk dikting som forkynning: Om Narniabøkene av C.S.Lewis
Published 1992 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Trellar under trolldom (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Heile egg til frukost
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Rømlingen Gudmund (om Johannes Heggland)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Iskald kjærlighet (om Jon Michelet)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Med trass og luftgevær (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Eidsvoll for born (om Karsten Alnæs)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Pubertet i 65
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Walisisk mystikk (om Susan Cooper)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Barnet i Nyhavn (om Dea Trier Mørch)
Published 1989 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Solid Heggland-bok (om Johannes Heggland)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Angst, angst, angst (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Rystande (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Prat, berre prat (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Forelska og forfulgt (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Frykt og terror (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Vegen til avgrunnen (ungdomslitteratur)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Eventyr om sorg (om Tormod Haugen)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Om tru og kjærleik (om Johannes Heggland)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Prærieliv (om Torill Thorstad Hauger)
Published 1988 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Blodraud barndom
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kvinneliv på nært hald (om Anne Marie Ejrnæs)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Pillen farlegare enn røyken
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Sterk bok om krigsbarn
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Amerika, Amerika (om Torill Thorstad Hauger)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Farskjærleik og flaggermus (om Eyvind Skeie)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Når barnebok blir biletkunst
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Jan Inge Sørbø

Verdas legender
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ein moderne palmesøndag (om musikk)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Er norsk kultur i fare? (om framandfrykt)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Eit misforstått nærleiksideal (om det kvasi-private i det offentlege rommet)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Filologien må prioriterast
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Invester i born og lærarar!
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Lukking og nedskjering (om lukking av universitetsstudier)
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Når strukturane blir det viktigste
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Slagord og meiningsinnhald
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Mønsterplanens store illusjon
Published 1987 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Mennesket i livmora
Published 1986 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Litterær perle og kulturskatt (om Johannes Heggland)
Published 1986 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Hvem er jeg? (om Øystein Wingaard Wolf)
Published 1986 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Eit fascinerande puslespel (om Per Olof Enquist)
Published 1986 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Skildrar ein familie og politisk utvikling i Chile (om Isabel Allende)
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Sven Delblancs Jesus
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kristendom og eventyr (om C.S.Lewis)
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kristne science-fiction noveller (om Johanna Schwartz)
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kvinne - svart - annanrangs (om Buchi Emecheta)
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Om usynlege born (om Tormod Haugen)
Published 1984 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Dramatiske forteljingar (om barnebøker)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Positivt frå ein tyrkisk landsby (om barnebok)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Djup og ekte oppleving (om Marit Kaldhol)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Kvinnesinn og bygdesamfunn (om Johannes Heggland)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Lasso rundt livets figurer (om Bjørg Jønsson)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Makta i Polen (om Czeslaw Milosz)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Døden ikkje lenger tabu (om Dea Trier Mørch)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Vissa om å vere i Guds omsorg
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Torturen og likesæla (om Marta Traba)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Polske vitnemål (lyrikk)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Samuels døtre (om Sven Delblanc)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Handikappa Sofia ein plussvariant (om Märta Tikkanen)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Betre som bygdebok enn som roman
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Er barnet normalt?
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Skremmebilete (om Anders Ehnmark og Per Olof Enquist)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Klassikarar eller nye barnebøker (Walter Scott, Carit Etlar, Baronesse Orczy)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Først og fremst biletkunstnar
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ei bok mellom dei aller beste (om Sven Delblanc)
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fantasifull Shakespeare på festspelscena
Published 1983 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Undset i polemikk og meditasjon (om Sigrid Undset)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Julegåva til ein summøring (om Ragnar Ulstein)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Ein annleis viking (om Torill Thorstad Hauger)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Skrift på vann (om William Golding)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fantasilitteraturen i fokus
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Fantasi og djup meining (om C.S.Lewis)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Varierande kvalitet
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Mørket som gir gleden dyp (om Märta Tikkanen)
Published 1982 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Poet and Apologist: A Study in the Fiction of C.S. Lewis 137s.
Published 1981 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

C.S. Lewis: kristen apologet
Published 1979 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø

Utsendt for å tjene [ISBN 8270531235] 127s.
Published 1979 by Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Jan Inge Sørbø