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Rolf Werenskjold


Institutt for kommunikasjon




Ekko fra Spania. Den spanske borgerkrigen i norske offentlighet [ISBN 9788282654869] 327s.
Published 2019 by Hans Fredrik Dahl, Bernt Hagtvet, Rolf Werenskjold
Publisher: Dreyer Forlag A/S

Media and the Cold War in the 1980s: Between Star Wars and Glasnost [ISBN 978-3-319-98381-3] 346s.
Published 2018 by Henrik G. Bastiansen, Martin Klimke, Rolf Werenskjold
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Sverre! Festskrift til Sverre Liestøl [ISBN 9788282850933] 207s.
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold, Gunnar Strøm, Paul Bjerke, Thomas Lewe, Erling Sivertsen
Publisher: Forlag1

The Nordic Media and the Cold War [ISBN 9789187957154] 366s.
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold, Henrik G. Bastiansen
Publisher: Nordicom

Media and Revolt. Strategies and Performances from the 1960's to the Present [ISBN 978-0-85745-998-5] 419s.
Published 2014 by Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Erling Sivertsen, Rolf Werenskjold
Publisher: Berghahn Books

Det 20. århundres historie. Europa, USA og Japan [ISBN 82-00-22383-3] 423s.
Published 1997 by Hans Otto Frøland, Arne Kalland, Pål Kolstø, Rolf Werenskjold, Odd Arne Westad
Publisher: Universitetsforlaget

Scientific articles and book chapters

Politisk sensur med silkehånd: Tysk stormaktspress og norsk politisk sensur 1914–1940
Published 2023 by Rolf Werenskjold, Øystein Pedersen Dahlen

Norwegian Defence and Security Policy: The Struggle for Hearts and Minds in the 1950s
Published 2022 by Øystein Pedersen Dahlen, Rolf Werenskjold

Ottar Odland: radiomannen og utenrikskorrespondenten, 1953–1987
Published 2022 by Rolf Werenskjold

Presse, PR og politikk. Utenriksdepartementets pressekontor 1919–1924
Published 2022 by Øystein Pedersen Dahlen, Rolf Werenskjold

Dissent and dissidents in central and eastern european film
Published 2021 by Bjørn Sørenssen, Rolf Werenskjold, Tobias Hochscherf

German Pressure: Spy Films and Political Censorship in Norway, 1914-40.
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold

The Cold War Reporters: The Norwegian Foreign-News Journalists and Foreign-News Correspondents, 1945–1995
Published 2018 by Jan Fredrik Hovden, Rolf Werenskjold

Around the World: The First Norwegian Newsreel, 1930–1941
Published 2018 by Rolf Werenskjold

Haakon Lie og Spaniafilmene : bruken av dokumentarfilmer om den spanske borgerkrigen i Norge 1936–39
Published 2017 by Rolf Werenskjold

Norges første lydfilmavis, Verden Rundt : ""begivenheter fra alle verdens kanter""
Published 2016 by Rolf Werenskjold

Journalistikk som fortolkningsfelleskap
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold

Soviet and American Leaders in Ice-Cold Lines : the Political Cartoons in the Norwegian Newspaper Aftenposten 1980–1984
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

Mapping Nordic Media and the Cold War
Published 2015 by Henrik G. Bastiansen, Rolf Werenskjold

Photos in Frames or Frames in Photos? The Global 1968 Revolts in Three Norwegian Dailies
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

Introduction : Media and Protest Movements
Published 2014 by Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Erling Sivertsen, Rolf Werenskjold

The revolution will be televised : the global 1968 revolts on Norwegian television news
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Det globale 1968-opprøret i pressefoto
Published 2009 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

Opprør på dagsorden! : effektene av den norske nyhetsdekningen av de globale protestene i 1968 Revolts on the Agenda! : the Media effect of the Norwegian News Coverage of the Global Protests 1968
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

Erik Loe og utenriksavdelingen i Arbeiderbladet, 1949-1989
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

The Dailies in Revolts
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret i Polen og Jugoslavia
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

Hans Lauritz Hanssen: Utenrikskommentator og utenrikskorrespondent i Morgenposten og Aftenposten, 1945 til 1976
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret i Øst-Europa
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Anton Blom: Journalist og utenrikskorrespondent i dagspresse og kringkasting, 1948-94
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Utenriksjournalisten Ingebrigt Løberg
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

USA i vekst og krise
Published 1997 by Rolf Werenskjold

Other works

Knowledge communities in the Nordic and Baltic coverage of the Soviet Union and Russia
Published 2023 by Birgitte Kjos Fonn, Rolf Werenskjold

Bibliografi: The Spanish Civil War in a Nordic Perspective
Published 2022 by Hans Fredrik Dahl, Rolf Werenskjold

Nordisk utenriksjournalistikk i det lange 20. århundret
Published 2022 by Birgitte Kjos Fonn, Rolf Werenskjold

Den politiske karikaturens historie - Norsk og Internasjonal visuell journalistikk en temperaturmåler på ytringsfrihetens kår.
Published 2021 by Rolf Werenskjold

Norsk utenriksjournalistikk
Published 2020 by Rolf Werenskjold

Det amerikanske presidentvalget 3. november 2020
Published 2020 by Rolf Werenskjold

Amerikansk politikk fra Watergate til Black Lives Matter. Innledningsforedrag til filmen Alle presidentens menn.
Published 2020 by Rolf Werenskjold

Dissenting Forms – Seminar on Dissenting Eastern European Film Cultures
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold

Boklanersering: Ekko fra Spania. Den spanske borgerkrigen i norsk offentlighet.
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold, Hans Fredrik Dahl, Bernt Hagtvet

New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent: Joint Review Report: Report prepared by the participants of the COST Action CA16213. 224s.
Published 2019 by Maciej Maryl, Piotr Wciślik, Muriel Blaive, James Kapaló,, Zsófia Lóránd, Jan Mervart, Katalin Cseh-Varga, Rolf Werenskjold, Ferenc Laczó, Tamás Scheibner

Contextualizing JSCA's Special Issue on Spies and Counter-Intellegence.
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold, Tobias Hochscherf

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Press Office: A Study of German Power Play and Political Censorship in 1930's Norway.
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold, Øystein Pedersen Dahlen

Spy films and political censorship in Norway in the 1930s.
Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold

Published 2019 by Rolf Werenskjold, Tobias Hochscherf

Women for peace: The march from Stockholm to Moscow and Minsk 1982.
Published 2018 by Rolf Werenskjold

An Outsider Perspective: Dissent and protest in Eastern Europe seen from beyond the Iron Curtain during the Cold War.
Published 2018 by Rolf Werenskjold

Media and Spy films. Political censorship of films in Norway in the 1930s.
Published 2018 by Rolf Werenskjold

Introduction: Mapping the Role of the Media in the late Cold War
Published 2018 by Henrik G. Bastiansen, Martin Klimke, Rolf Werenskjold

En visuell propagandakrig? Bildematerialet i norsk presse om den spanske borgerkrigen 1936-39.
Published 2018 by Rolf Werenskjold

Framing of Audiovisual News. How Media Present and Manipulate the News.
Published 2016 by Rolf Werenskjold, Thomas Lewe

De lange linjene i utenriksjournalistikken: Fra den amerikanse borgerkrig - og krimkrigen fram til krigen i Syria.
Published 2016 by Rolf Werenskjold

Paneldebatt om mediedekningen av den spanske borgerkrigen i Norge: Sigrun Slapgard, Rolf Werenskjold og Kjell Billing
Published 2016 by Rolf Werenskjold

Spania, Spania. Håkon Lie og den første norske dokumentarfilmen om borgerkrigen i Spania.
Published 2016 by Rolf Werenskjold

Ung medievitenskap. 12 studenter forsker på norske medier, Høgskulen i Volda: digitalt publisert: [ISBN 978-82-7661-317-9] 305s.
Published 2015 by Henrik G. Bastiansen, Idar Andre Flo, Rolf Werenskjold

Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold, Paul Bjerke, Thomas Lewe, Gunnar Strøm, Erling Sivertsen

Cold War films - The Man who saved the World
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold

Aftenposten legger ned London-kontoret. Etter 70 år vil ikke avisen lenger ha egen korrespondent i den britiske hovedstaden.
Published 2015 by Rolf Werenskjold

Moderators panel discussions: Meet the Press. Foreign News during the Cold War. Kjell Dragnes (Aftenposten), Kari Grete Alstad (NRK) og Hans Wilhelm Steinfeld (NRK). International Conference Media and the Cold War 1975-1991
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Martin Klimke

Conference Conveners: International Conference Media and the Cold War 1975-1991
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Henrik G. Bastiansen, Martin Klimke

Media and the Cold War Conference Cartoon Film
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Andres Mänd, Dave King

Digital exhibition: Political Cold War Cartoons published by the Norwegian Daily Aftenposten 1975-1991
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Thomas Lewe

Exhibition: Political Cartoons U.S. and Sovjet leaders published by Aftenposten 1975-1991
Published 2014 by Rolf Werenskjold, Thomas Lewe

The Norwegian Foreign News Journalists and Foreign News Correpondents during the Cold War
Published 2014 by Jan fredrik Hovden, Rolf Werenskjold

The Norwegian Foreign News System during the Cold War
Published 2013 by Rolf Werenskjold

The Foreign News System in Norway 1945-2011
Published 2013 by Rolf Werenskjold

Cold lines: The Cold War in Political Cartoons in Aftenposten 1980-1984
Published 2013 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

The Norwegian Foreign News System 1945-2011
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

Opprørske Aftenposten
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

USA i norske medier
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

That's the Way it is? : medienes rolle i proteståret 1968 525s.
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

Vil avkle mytene om 68
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

Journalistikk som fortolkningfellesskap. Rammer – dagsorden – makt. En begrepsavklaring
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

That’s the Way it is? Medienes rolle i proteståret 1968
Published 2012 by Rolf Werenskjold

Reporting the Cold War from Washington D.C. 1981-1985: The Norwegian Radio and Television News: A case study
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Symbolske avisforsider preger tiårsmarkeringen
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Chronology of Events of Protest in Europe 1968
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Osama Bin Laden er død
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Osama Bin Laden er død : ekspertar fryktar auka terrorfare
Published 2011 by Rolf Werenskjold

Fra gatekamp til tastetrykk
Published 2010 by Rolf Werenskjold

A Chronology of the Global 1968 Protest [ISBN 9788276612950] 382s.
Published 2010 by Rolf Werenskjold

68-opprøret i media
Published 2010 by Rolf Werenskjold

Shaping Europe in a Globalized World? : Protest Movements and the Rise of a Transnational Civil Society
Published 2009 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968 - A Chronology of Protest in Europe
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

The revolution will not be televised? : media and protest movements after 1945
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

The revolution will not be televised? : conference reader 335s.
Published 2008 by Erling Sivertsen, Rolf Werenskjold

Photos in frames - or frames in photos Framing photos in black and white - the global 1968 revolts in three Norwegian dailies
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

Det amerikanske presidentvalget
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

The media and universities in revolt 1968
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

En nordfjording i Paris : lokale studenterfaringer fra det franske Maioppgjøret i 1968
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold

Photos in frames - or frames in photos. Framing photos in black and white - the global 1968 revolts in three Norwegian dailies
Published 2008 by Rolf Werenskjold, Erling Sivertsen

The Dailies in Revolts : the Global 1968 revolts in Major Norwegian Newspapers
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

En kvantitativ analyse av mediedekningen av det globale 1968-opprøret i de tre største norske avisene, Aftenposten, Dagbladet og Arbeiderbladet, med spesielt fokus på dekningen av opprøret i de øvrige Skandinaviske landene
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

The Globale 1968 revolts in Major Norwegian Newspapers
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

Utenriksjournalistikk: Vindu mot verden eller speilbilde av oss selv?
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret i norske massemedier
Published 2007 by Rolf Werenskjold

Presseetikk i en opprørstid - 1968-opprørets medieetiske sider
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

De første utenrikskorrespondentene i NRK : et case study
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Foreign News and historical research - the year 1968
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Foreign News in Dagsrevyen in 1968: a Quantitative Analysis of the Global 1968 Revolutions in Norwegian Television
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

May 1968 as a Global Media event
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Foreign News in Dagsrevyen in 1968 : a quantitative analyses of the global 1968 revolutions in NRK Dagsrevyen
Published 2006 by Rolf Werenskjold

Om opptøyer på slutten av 1970-tallet
Published 2005 by Rolf Werenskjold

"One World - Few Voices" - Det globale 1968-opprøret i utenriksinnslagene i NRK Dagsrevyen
Published 2005 by Rolf Werenskjold

Om Paris-opprøret i mai 1968
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

Det amerikanske presidentvalget
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

Det amerikanske presidentvalget
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret i Tsjekkoslovakia og Jugoslavia
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret - globalt og lokalt
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

Det amerikanske presidentvalget i 2004 i perspektiv
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

1968-opprøret, mediene og Øst-Europa
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

The Media and Audiovisual Archives: The year 1968. Social and political changes in Eastern Europe evaluated by using sound and moving images of the events of the year 1968. The impact of media in a time of political conflicts and the importance of audiovisual archives to make a description of the events for historical studies - and what is the contribution of the films made at the time of the events compared to the written reports
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

Parting Waters - The 1968-revolution in the United States
Published 2004 by Rolf Werenskjold

Volda kommune og ytringsfriheten
Published 2003 by Paul Bjerke, Rolf Werenskjold

Ytringsfrihet i Volda
Published 2003 by Paul Bjerke, Rolf Werenskjold

An open window to the world: reception of the global and the local 1968 revolutions in the norwegian public and media
Published 2003 by Rolf Werenskjold

Ungdomsopprøret i 1968. 5-timers foredrag om ungdomskultur
Published 2002 by Rolf Werenskjold

Cowboy og Indianer
Published 2001 by Rolf Werenskjold

Ytringsfrihet i Volda
Published 2001 by Rolf Werenskjold, Paul Bjerke

1968 og ungdomsopprøret i 1960-årene
Published 2001 by Rolf Werenskjold

Dokumentar eller propaganda?
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Dokumentar eller propaganda?
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

"Studentene i Volda engasjerer seg ikke i studentpolitikken". Intervju om studentengasjementet ved høgskolen i 1970-årene i lys av 1968-opprøret
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Nordmenn i fangenskap
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Bildene som har endret historien Intervjuet handler om fotografier og bilder som har endret historien, og kom i stand i kjølvannet av de avslørende fotografiene av amerikanske soldaters sadisitiske behandling av irakiske fanger som preget alle medier i begynnelsen av mai
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Bildene som sjokkerer
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Antiterrorspesialisten som ble en trussel
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

De som måtte betale prisen
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Den amerikanske valgkampen er i gang
Published 2000 by Rolf Werenskjold

Thranitten, bakermester, stortingsmann og fyrvokter Hans Henrik Wærenskjold (1820-1909) : fra småborger til middelklasse
Published 2000 by Rolf Fossum Werenskjold

Et globalt terrornettverk
Published 1999 by Rolf Werenskjold

Al Qaida et globalt terrornettverk
Published 1999 by Rolf Werenskjold

Hillarys versjon : bokmelding av "Levende historie" av Hillary Rodham Clinton
Published 1999 by Rolf Werenskjold

Slekten Werenskkjold-Wærnschiold 1625-1999 : den vestre linje [ISBN 82-92090-00-2] 500s.
Published 1999 by Rolf Fossum Werenskjold

Teoretiske tilnærminger til arbeidet med amerikansk utenrikspolitikk (foredrag halde under Forskingsdagane '97)
Published 1998 by Rolf Fossum Werenskjold

Mediehistorie - hva er det?
Published 1998 by Rolf Werenskjold

Offentlig opinion og amerikansk utenrikspolitikk
Published 1998 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtets partipolitiske ambisjoner
Published 1988 by Rolf Werenskjold

Partiet Høgre og konservatismen
Published 1988 by Rolf Werenskjold

Pariet Høgre og språksynet deira
Published 1988 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtet, prestene og kirkeorganisasjonen
Published 1987 by Rolf Werenskjold

En Atlantisk revolusjon? : del III
Published 1985 by Rolf Werenskjold

En Atlantisk revolusjon? : del II
Published 1985 by Rolf Werenskjold

En Atlantisk revolusjon? : del I
Published 1985 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtets partipolitiske ambisjoner : del III
Published 1984 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtets partpolitiske ambisjoner : del II
Published 1984 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtets partipolitiske ambisjoner : del I
Published 1984 by Rolf Werenskjold

Geilomøtet, prestene og kirkeorganisasjonen
Published 1983 by Rolf Werenskjold