Samarbeider med spanske historikarar

Tekst: Veronica Kvalen Pilskog

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Samlinga er ei vidareføring av eit samarbeid som Historisk institutt har hatt sidan starten på mastergraden Kulturmøte, der professor José Enrique López de Coca var ein fagleg støtte spelar for etableringa av emnet KUM304 Al-Andalus - politisk hegemoni og kulturell pluralisme i iberisk mellomalder 711-1501. Professor López de Coca har tidlegare vore i Volda og helde gjesteførelesingar på dette emnet.

Bidraga frå Høgskulen i Volda er:

  • Hans Jacob Orning
    Tittel: The reality of the fantastic. Legendary sagas as historical sources
    Synopsis: Legends have usually been relegated to the realm of the fantastic by historians, being "only" fantasy. However, such stories can tell a lot about people's mentality, about their attitudes and world view. I will discuss this topic methodologically, before providing a concrete case study from late medieval Iceland, in which I use a manuscript of legendary sagas as a point of entry into people's life experiences and conceptions.

  • Harald Endre Tafjord
    Tittel: Conflict and friendship in the Historia Roderici
    Synopsis: The medieval chronicle is valuable source for medieval political culture, when approaching these sources as expressions of how the author and the environment he was a part of, viewed and described the interaction between participants in the political sphere. I will discuss four central incidents in the relationship between Rodrigo Díaz and King Alfonso VI, and how the characteristics of such incidents can provide an increased understanding of conflict and friendship within the political culture.

Forutan bidragsytarane frå Volda skal mellom andre professor López de Coca og professor Sebastián Souviron Bono frå Institutt for arkeologi og mellomalderstudiar ved Universitet i Málaga ta del. Ein felles innfallsvinkel for bidragsytarane er relatert til korleis kjeldene frå denne perioden kan nyttast for å skaffe ny innsikt knytt til samfunnstilhøva i mellomalderen.

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