Main elements of the quality system

National Agency for Quality in Education (Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanninga, NOKUT) has named the student’s life at an educational institution – from admission to a recognized diploma – the student’s learning path. There must be quality on all levels, from the student's first contact with the educational institution through good information at admission – until the student leaves the institution with a diploma in his/her hand.

VUC has selected five quality areas that shall make up the structure of the quality system and which will ensure the quality of the student's learning path:

1. Quality of recruitment, information and student reception

2. Frame quality

3. Programme quality

4. Quality of results

5. Relevance quality

For each of the five quality areas there are defined targets, measures and responsibility placement.

On VUC's website there are templates and examples for use in the various quality areas.

Quality areas

1. Quality of recruitment, information and student reception

Target 1.1: Applicants should have good information about the selection of studies on offer at VUC and about Volda as a study venue



Survey on education start


Annual revision of the recruitment plan


Guidance to applicants


Web pages with universal design

Leader of the office for social contact / Director of Academic Affairs

Relevant information in accordance with expectations, content and requirements in the coursesThe faculties 


Target 1.2: VUC shall have good admission quality



Evaluation of admission credits where possibleDirector of Academic Affairs


Target 1.3: VUC will contribute to a good “buddy scheme” and provide a good start for new students



Training of buddies

The Student Parliament

Course on safe travel in nature for new students

Faculty of Cultural Studies

Annual project for education start

The joint administration

Orientate about facilitation and counseling

Student Adviser and Studentsamskipnaden

Courses on studying in higher education

The joint administration


2. Frame quality

Frame quality includes resources and structures such as personnel, rooms, equipment and psychosocial conditions.


Target 2.1: VUC will offer a good learning environment with universal design



Annual report to the Board of the college university from the Learning Environment Committee

The Learning Environment Committee,

Director of Academic Affairs

Instructions for enrolment and handling of unfortunate events for students

Director of Academic Affairs

Annual control of the physical learning environment

Operations Manager

Annual dialogue meeting with the faculties, where the student learning environment is the theme

The Learning Environment Committee


Target 2.2: VUC must have an inclusive learning environment



Provide facilitation for students with special needs

Student Adviser


Target 2.3: VUC shall have academic employees with high competence



Research Programme

Competence Enhancement Programme (Link to HMS System)

The Rectorate/the Director/the Deans/

The Human Resources Manager/ Director of Research


Target 2.4: Students will participate in decision making at VUC



Regular meetings between the Rector, Director, Director of Academic Affairs, Leader and deputy for the Student Parliament and the Director of Studentsamskipnaden

The management of the Student Parliament

Students should be represented in the Board of the college university and in  councilsVUC and the Student Parliament


Target 2.5: VUC must offer a good administrative support system



Evaluation of student administrative services and IT services

Director of Academic Affairs/ The Manager of the IT services/Canvas-responsible

Competence raising measures

The Director/The Human Recources Manager


Target 2.6: VUC must have an academic library with relevant literature and knowledge bases that are of high quality



Annual review of priorities and routines in connection with purchasing and facilitation of information


Library Manager


3. Programme quality

Programme quality includes the quality of study plans and the implementation of studies.


Target 3.1: VUC will offer teaching of high academic and educational quality



All academic employees must have pedagogical basic competence (link to the following documents)

Prorector/The Human Resources Manager/the deans

Course in pedagogical basic competence

Faculty of Humanities and Teacher Education

Merit SystemProrector and The Human Resources Manager


Target 3.2: VUC will have good education management at all levels



All programmes of study must have a programme leader / head of studies

The Deans

VUC must provide for holistic education and ensure coherence in the programmes  of study

VUC must provide for varied teaching and assessment methods, and provide a clear description of learning outcomes

VUC must provide for a good correlation between learning outcomes and teaching and assessment methods

VUC must provide for the highest possible degree of universal design in the teaching

Programme leaders/ head of studies

VUC must enable students to give feedback underway in the course

Course convenor/ Programme leaders/

Head of studies/ Lecturers


Target 3.3: VUC will ensure the quality of new  programmes of study and new courses of study



External peer review of new programmes / courses

Dean, programme leader/ head of studies and course convenor

External assessment the first time courses are being conducted

Dean and course convenor


Target 3.4: VUC will have an international and diverse learning environment



VUC will organize international day annually

International office

VUC is going to staff Pangaia, the international meeting place

Director of Academic Affairs

VUC will host an international club

VUC will have curriculum literature that reflects the latest international research in the field

Academic employees


Target 3.5: VUC will offer students and employees to study abroad at renowned educational and research institutions



Close contact with foreign institutions

Programme leader/head of studies, dean, director of Academic Affairs

Student evaluations (as part of a user survey and / or a candidate survey)

Director of Academic Affairs, programme leader/head of studies and dean


Target 3.6: VUC will offer students guidance related to the planning and implementation of their education



Individual education plan review for students of 60 credits or more

Programme leader/head of studies

Student guidance

Study advisor
Routines for enrolment and handling unfortunate events for studentsDirector of Academic Affairs


Target 3.7: VUC must have a high response rate on Studiebarometeret



VUC will seek all 2nd year students on Bachelor and Master's degrees, and inform about Studiebarometeret, and provide students with time and guidance to respond to the survey

Prorector and Director of Academic Affairs

The Student Parliament shall inform and engage the student representatives and fellow students so that the response rate at VUC becomes highThe Student Parliament


Target 3.8: Supervision of existing programmes of study



External evaluation:

The Strategic Education Committee chooses annually 3-4 programmes that will have external evaluation, and selects the theme for the evaluations. Programmes may also request to be externally evaluated

Dean and programme leader at the selected studies in cooperation with The Strategic Education Committee

Candidate survey for educations which are chosen for external evaluation (students who were finished 1-3 years back in time)

Director of Academic Affairs

Internal evaluation:

All programmes of study must be evaluated on a continuous basis

Programme leader/ head of studies

All courses must be evaluated on a continuous basis

Course convenor

Compulsory Student Councils in all educations over more than one year, and possibly also at the course level

Dean, programme leader/head of studies, course convenor, lecturer


Target 3.9: Programmes of study and qualifications framework



Programme descriptions and course plans shall be prepared in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education

Annual audit of existing programme descriptions and course plans



4. Undervisningskvalitet

Kvalitetsarbeidet skal legge til rette for varierte undervisnings- og læringsformer og vurderingsformer som bidrar til at studentane etter fullført studieløp har oppnådd læringsutbytte.


Mål 4.1: Studentane skal møte relevant innhald, aktiviserande arbeidsmåtar og varierte vurderingsformer



Utvikling av faglege fellesskap for emneansvarlegeDekanar/instituttleiarar
Sette av tilstrekkelege ressursar til emneansvarDekanar/instituttleiarar
Opplæring av fagtilsette i digitale lærings- og vurderingsformerBeta (e-læringsstøttegruppe)
Erfaringsutveksling mellom fagtilsette-seminarUtdanningsutvalet

Digital lunsj



Mål 4.2: HVO skal syte for (mest mogleg) universell utforming av undervisninga



Årleg revisjon av studieprogrammet på bakgrunn av evalueringsrapportaneStudieprogramansvarleg/Studieleiar
Årleg gjennomgang av undervisningsarealetDriftsleiar/dekanane
Opplæring av tilsette i digitale lærings- og vurderingsformer og god pedagogisk bruk av digitale ressursarBeta (e-læringsstøttegruppe)
Prosjektgruppa for digiglu


Mål 4.3: HVO skal syte for at studentar kan gi tilbakemeldingar undervegs i studiet



Emneevalueringar og gjennomføre møter i kvalitetsutvalStudieprogramansvarleg/studieleiar/
Sei i frå-knappenStudiedirektør


4. Quality of results

Quality of results includes throughput and character distribution


Target 4.1: VUC will have a continuous overview of the flow rate and character distribution between the candidates



Analysis of failing percentage, grades distribution and grades development over time

Deans/Director of Academic Affairs

Prepare statistics on the relationship between admission quality and quality of results within selected educations

Director of Academic Affairs /

Programme leader/ head of studies


Target 4.2: VUC will ensure that the students get a fair assessment



All courses must have external assessment at least every third year

Dean/course convenor

All examinations must have a sensor guidanceCourse convenor


Target 4.3: VUC should be among the best on the flow of Bachelor degrees



Analysis of progression and the completion of Bachelors degrees

Director of Academic Affairs/deans/

Programme leader/ head of studies

Close follow-up of the students who are delayed

Invite students who are delayed to individual education plan reviews

Programme leader/ head of studies


Target 4.4: VUC will increase the throughput in the Master's degrees



Follow up the measures in the plan of action for completion in the Master’s degrees


Programme leader/ head of studies

The Strategic Education Committee shall evaluate the plan of action

The Strategic Education Committee

VUC will work to achieve understanding of the need for Master's degrees as a lifelong learning and the need for alternative organization of the course of study


deans/director of Academic Affairs


5. Relevance quality

Target 5.1: VUC shall offer programmes of study that is relevant to work in the private and public sectors



Close contact with the field of practice, as well as feedback / evaluation from the place of practice and students in practice

Programme leader/ head of studies and course convenor

A description of learning outcomes in line with the qualifications framework in all programme descriptions and course plans

Dean, programme leader/head of studies, course convenor

VUC should have employees with relevant experience from the practice fields

Dean and the Human Resources Manager


7. Kompetanse

Kvalitetsarbeidet skal legge til rette for å styrke formidlingskompetansen i undervisninga, og for at undervisninga er basert på forsking om korleis læring skjer og korleis undervisningskvalitet kan styrkast. 


Mål 7.1: HVO skal ha fagleg tilsette med høg kompetanse




System for pedagogisk basiskompetanseRektoratet/direktør/dekanar/personalsjef
System for merittering av undervisarStyret/rektoratet/direktør/dekanar
Prøveforelesing med digitale verktøy ved vurdering av tilsettingDekanar


Mål 7.2: HVO skal følgje opp kompetansehevingstiltak i handlingsplan for digitalisering



Allokere ressursar til kompetanseheving av fagtilsette i digitale lærings- og vurderingsformerStyret/rektoratet/direktør/dekanar


8. Leiingskvalitet

Kvalitetsarbeidet og -systemet skal bidra til HVO si evne til å leie kvalitetssikring og kvalitetsutvikling av eiga verksemd.


Mål 8.1: HVO skal ha tydeleg leiingsforankring av kvalitetsarbeid



Leiarar på alle nivå har eit klart definert ansvar i kvalitetsarbeidetUtdanningsutvalet/prorektor/studiedirektør
Evaluering og revisjon av retningslinjer og prosessar knytt til kvalitetsarbeidUtdanningsutvalet/prorektor/studiedirektør


Mål 8.2: HVO skal ha ein råd- og utvalsstruktur som sikrar at kvaliteten blir ivaretatt



Gjennomgang av råd- og utvalsstrukturenStyret/rektoratet


Mål 8.3: HVO skal ha tydeleg definerte rutinar og prosessar for rapportering til styret og tilbake til fagtilsette og studentar i avdelingane



Kvalitetsrapport og kvalitetsarbeid som tema i avdelingsrådaDekanar