Review of central evaluation measures

English version

The faculty’s quality report (Avdelingane sin kvalitetsrapport/Studiekvalitetsrapporten)

The faculty’s quality report must be handled in the Faculty Council. The Faculty Council shall be composed of representatives from the students, the academic community and the administration of the faculty. The Council discusses and follows up results across the faculty.

Evaluation of courses

The evaluation of courses will give the students and the course convenor the opportunity to provide feedback on the planning and completion of each topic.

The course convenor summarizes the feedback and discusses the results with the students and the academic community. This, together with any relevant measures of improvement, will be written in a short report that goes to the programme leader/head of studies (see above).

Evaluation of programmes of study (programrapport)

The evaluation of programmes of study shall give students and programme leaders/heads of studies the opportunity to provide feedback on the planning and completion of each programme. This evaluation only applies on programmes of 60 credits or more.

The Strategic Education Committee choose programmes of study that will have an external evaluation. When there is no external evaluation, a simpler form of internal evaluation will be conducted. This will be based on the course evaluations included in the programme, Student Council reports, sensor reports and any additional evaluation elements that the academic community initiates. All evaluation shall form the basis for systematic analysis, professional discussions and any improvements in the quality of the study.

The programme leader/head of studies summarizes all feedback and discusses the results together with the course convenors within the programme. This, together with any relevant measures of improvement, forms the basis for a written report on the study programme. The report should also contain comments on the course evaluations for the courses included in the programme (see below).

The Dean analyses all reports on the study programmes and prepares the faculty’s quality report. The report will then be submitted to the Faculty Council and is processed there. Then, as part of the annual report for education quality, the report goes to the Strategic Education Committee and Board of the university college. The reporting follows the academic year.

The results of the evaluations shall be known to the students.

Student Council for study programmes (Kvalitetsutval for studieprogram)

The Student Councils shall be the link between the students and the lecturers on the study programmes. The Student Council shall be able to discuss courses and educational plans, completion of the education, and give feedback on the study programmes.

The work of the Student Councils shall be based on the guidelines for the Student Councils. All study programmes which lasts more than one year, must have a Student Council. Besides this, the faculty elects the structure for Student Councils and whether they want other/more Student Councils in the faculty. The Student Councils must include both students and academic employees, and there must be at least one meeting per semester.

Approved reports from meetings in the Student Council shall be sent to the Dean for continuous assessment and any further follow-up.

Joint PhD degree with Molde University College

The report for the PhD degree is submitted for the Doctoral Degree Committee and will be held there. Then, the report goes on to the Dean for the Faculty of Social Studies and History. The PhD programme is evaluated in accordance with the quality system of Molde University College.

Internal evaluation of start of teaching

HVO has prepared one overall plan for teaching start and student reception. The Strategic Education Committee evaluates the education start each autumn.

Quality assurance of new study programmes and courses

Peer review

Peer review of new programmes and courses will ensure an external evaluation of new study offers. All new programmes and courses of 15 credits or more will be considered by two external professionals from two different institutions prior to the approval of the programme/course. The peer review shall be submitted to the faculty's application and administrative procedure, for the final approval of new course plans and programme descriptions.

Procedures for preparation, design and approval of course plans, and programme descriptions, are provided by guidelines for course plan and programme description work.

External assessment

In addition to the usual evaluation measures, all new subjects must have at least one external examiner at the first exam.

Messaging service for students

On the web page for students, there is a messaging service – Sei i frå! – where students can give feedback about unfortunate events to HVO. The Director for Academic Affairs, the Student Advisor and the Operations manager is responsible for following up the input and issues that are reported.

Merit System (meritteringssystem)

This section is under progress.

Examiner Guidance

HVO must have examiner guidance for each examination. Examiner guidance will help to ensure quality of the determined learning outcomes and to reduce inequalities in the assessments between examiners.

Studiebarometeret (the “Study barometer” – study evaluation)

Results from the Studiebarometer will be discussed with students and in the academic community. The results will also be mentioned in the reports on the programmes of study and in the facultys’ quality reports.

Survey on education start

VUC wishes to receive feedback on how well the university college succeeds in giving good and relevant information about studies and the quality of the reception students receive at the start of the semester. The joint administration conducts the survey on the start of the semester.

Strategic Assessment of the programme of study portfolio

VUC uses the «SEFØ model»:

• Strategic assessment 

• Demand 

• professional sustainability

• Economic sustainability 

Individual Education Review/Individual Education Plans (utdanningssamtalar/utdanningsplanar)

The education plan shall facilitate the students to pass through the programme at a specified time and shall deal with guidelines, information and education planning. Educational plans shall ensure a closer and more committed relationship between the individual student and the institution. The education plan shall be a tool for both parties in the planning and implementation of a study programme.

A student with a degree of 60 credits or more will be appointed a student adviser at the start of education. Early in the first semester, the student adviser will offer an education review, individually or in groups. Later in the course of the study, the parties should conduct a quarterly education review, individually or in groups.

The implementation of education reviews is based on the guidelines for education plans. Times follow the schedule in the calendar for the students’ academic year.