Alfabetical list of all databases: A- B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R- S - T - U - V - W
Database by subject area:
Academic Search Elite
Full text database with access to scientific and general journals including social sciences, humanities, languages and literature, art, technology and science.
Electronic preprints (known as e-prints) approved for publication after moderation. It consists of scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, electrical engineering, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, and mathematical finance. In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are self-archived on the arXiv repository.
Atekst, Retriever
Media archive with full text from a large number of Norwegian newspapers.
BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Provides more than 120 million documents from open scientific archives. It is a services provided from the German university library Bielefeld.
National search service with information about books, electronic publications, audiobooks, notes, etc. in Norwegian libraries.
BMJ Best Practice
Medical and health-related reference source for primary and specialist health services.
BRAVO (Brage Volda)
HVO's open institutional archives
Britannica Academic
Highly recognised and comprehensive English encyclopedia of high academic standard. Also includes the Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus.
British Library
Catalogue of the British Library
BrowZine - your personal magazine shelf
BrowZine is a service that gives you easy access to e-journals which the Volda University College subscribes to. User guide on YouTube.
Campbell Systematic Reviews
Systematic reviews and controlled studies of the impact of measures within the social field, psychology, criminology and education.
International article base for health sciences with main emphasis on nursing. Cinahl is particularly good for qualitative research and research on patient experiences.
Covers key questions about the effectiveness of measures. The best source for systematic reviews and controlled studies in health science. Full Text. International coverage.
Collett Bibliography: Literature by and on Camilla Collett
References to books and articles in books, journals and newspapers – by and on Collett, published in Norway and abroad.
The national research information system of Norway. Documents all scholarly publications by Norwegian researchers.
DART-Europe E-theses Portal
The DART-Europe partners help to provide researchers with a single European Portal for the discovery of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and they participate in advocacy to influence future European e-theses developments.
Theses and other publications from Swedish universities and research institutions.
DOAB Directory of Open Acess Books
Professionally rated open access journals from around the world.
Ebook Central
Over 140,000 e-books from ProQuest in many fields of study including economics, social sciences and humanities.
EBSCO Open Dissertations
References to US doctoral dissertations 1933- .
English matters (NTNU)
Online resource for Norwegians studying or working in English. Links include dictionaries of political and professional jargon (Norwegian-English), as well as English academic writing guides, dictionaries, newspapers, and writing exercises.
Epistemonikos is a collaborative, multilingual database of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making. The database is maintained by systematically searching electronic databases and other sources for relevant systematic reviews and overviews of reviews.
International database of pedagogical literature. Includes literature on pedagogy and education for most subjects, topics and education levels. Mainly journal articles but also books, dissertations and conference reports. Over two thirds of the content is full text.
Journal index for the HSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) society in Europe.
Database for streaming films from the Norwegian Film Institute. Contains short films and documentaries that are copyright-cleared for classroom teaching and private use. You need a national library card to use the service.
A service that makes it easy for you to borrow and watch movies from home. You need a national library card. In addition, your public library must have an agreement with Filmoteket. Volda public library and Hornindal library have an agreement. List of other libraries that have an agreement.
FirstSearch (OCLC)
Through a common interface, OCLC offers 12 American reference databases with a wide range of topics.
Google Scholar
Search for books, journal articles, reports and other academic publications. Cited reference searching: Contains information about how many times an article have been cited.
Research database focusing on human impact on the environment. Covering subjects such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Some full text.
Gunnerus:The special collections of the NTNU University Library
The search engine of the special collections of the Gunnerus library
Hamsun Bibiliography: Literature on Knut Hamsun
Bibliography on the work of Knut Hamsun.
Resource for health sciences databases and journals.
ICD is the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, published by WHO (World Health Organization). There is a Norwegian version that is maintained by The Norwegian Directorate of eHealth –
Systematic reviews on effects of child and adolescent mental health and welfare interventions.
Archive of international scientific journals in full text, mainly within humanities and social sciences. The database usually does not cover the last 3-5 years of a journal.
Dictionaries for international visitors learning Norwegian. Made available for free by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training. Available in either Bokmål or Nynorsk and translated into nearly 20 different languages including English, Arabic, Thai and Polish.
LISTA - Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
International database of library, information science and technology.
Norwegian law database containing updated laws and central and local regulations in full text.
Lovdata Pro
Subscription version of Lovdata. Contains laws, regulations, preparatory work, court orders, statements, resolutions, circulars and legal literature. Also gives access to EEA / EU legal bases and other international legal bases, as a summary in Norwegian by judgments issued by the Human Rights Court.
Login with Feide-ID for off campus access.
References to journal articles in medicine, nursing and other health subjects.
MøreRom : lokalhistoriske artiklar
Local history articles from Møre og Romsdal.
Nasjonalbibliotekets nettbibliotek
Online library with books, newspapers and journals at The Norwegian National Library.
NIFU - Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education
The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) is an independent social science research institute. They collect, analyze and disseminate national statistics and indicators for research, development and innovation.
NORA - Norwegian Open Research Archives
National search service for scientific/academic information in open institutional archives.
References to articles in Norwegian and Nordic journals and annals, 1980-2020.
Nordic Base of Early Childhood Education and Care (NB-ECEC)
Database with an overview of Nordic kindergarten research. A collaborative project between the Norwegian Ministry of Education, the Danish Evaluation Institute and the Swedish National Agency for Education.
Norsk litteraturkritikk
Bibliography over literary reviews and criticism published in Norwegian media. It also includes a few reviews of Norwegian literature published in foreign media
NPI - Norwegian Publication Indicator
Provides information about the Norwegian Publication Indicator and is a resource for Scientific panels in connection with their annual task of nominating journals, series and publishers.
Open Polar
The Global Open Access Portal for Research Data and Publications on the Arctic and Antarctic.
Ordbok for begreper i grunnopplæringen, norsk-engelsk/engelsk-norsk
Ressurs frå Utdanningsdirektoratet.
Dictionary for Bokmål and Nynorsk words (Norwegian only, no English translations).
Norwegian dictionaries from the publisher Kunnskapsforlaget.
Foreign language dictionaries: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish.
Medical dictionaries in Norwegian and English.
Database that provides overview of printed and electronic collections in the library at Volda University College and all other university and college libraries in Norway.
An occupational therapy database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other relevant resources.
OVID Journals
Journals in full text within medicine and nursing
Oxford English Dictionary
The most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary for the English language. Shows the origins, history and use of over 600,000 words through 3 million citations from a wide selection of authoritative sources. Also includes timelines and historical thesauruses.
Randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
Stock image site that provides free stock images and videos. Attribution is not required. Giving credit to the photographer or Pexels is not necessary but appreciated.
Comprehensive index of the research literature in philosophy. Includes an Open Access archive that is integrated with its citation index.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
American and international doctoral dissertations and master theses.
Bibliographic database providing access to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other mental health consequences of traumatic events.
References to journal articles in medicine, nursing and other health subjects.
Same content as Medline (Ovid), but with other search interfaces.
Free information retrieval system for psychological resources.
Database on disability and rehabilitation, produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center.
Research Portal Denmark
Discover and explore Danish research.
Search for information on research in Finland.
The Retraction Watch Database
Database of retracted articles. User Guide
Norwegian law database including resources on laws, regulations, court orders, preparatory work, international law, professional literature, etc.
Feide-login on and outside campus for students and employees.
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters: Collected publications
Database of publications published by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
SAGE Premier
Full-text journals in many diverse fields of study including sociology, media, education and criminology.
Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature giving access to e-journals within physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.
SCUP (Scandinavian University Press)
SCUP (formerly Idunn) is Scandinavian University Press’s digital publishing platform for academic journals and open access research books. You can browse and read more than 32,000 quality assured articles within a range of disciplines, and new articles, issues, journals and books are continuously being added
SpringerLink: Books
We subscribe to a selection of packages: Mathematics and Statistics, Behavioral Science and Psychology, Education, History, Literature, Media and Culture, Political Science and International Studies, Religion and Philosophy, Social Sciences.
SpringerLink: Journals
Full-text journals A-Z.
SpringerLink: Open Access
Open access books from Springer.
Stortingsforhandlinger 1814–
Parliamentary proceedings in full text.
The Survey Bank
Surveybanken (the Survey Bank) contains research data from the social sciences, humanities, and medical and health research. You can search for several thousands of questions/variables across different surveys going back to 1957.
Nordic database in medicine and health science. Contains references to articles in Nordic journals from 1977 onwards. Note! From January 2020, the database base will no longer be updated.
Academic publications at Swedish universities.
Taylor & Francis
We subscribe to the following electronic journal packages:
S & T collection (Science & Technical) 425 titles, and SSH collection (Social Science & Humanities) 1165 titles.
Teacher Reference Center
References to articles from peer-reviewed journals in education and teaching.
UHRs Termbase English-Norwegian / Norwegian-English
Online dictionary with over 1000 English-Norwegian/Norwegian-English administrative terms from the university and college sector. - Kunnskapssenter for utdanning
More than 2500 searchable articles on educational research.
Web of Science
Citation Database. Contains references to articles from leading journals in science, technology, social sciences and humanities. Gives statistics about how often articles are cited.
Wergeland Bibliography
On Henrik Wergeland and his works.
Wiley Online Library
Full-text scholarly journals in many diverse fields of study.
WorldCat (FirstSearch)
Collective database for hundreds of libraries, most American. Covers mostly books and journals (not articles).