
DJM309 Media og den kalde krigen 1975 - 1991

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content

The course examines the role played by the media and journalism during the second cold war: the years 1975-1991, and in particularly the media’s role in the political tension between East and West. The course also addresses the media and journalism in relation to the political establishment, the police and the secret services. Of specific interest is foreign news journalism in the press and broadcasting. The course also examines how the impact of an imminent nuclear danger and the protests against it were expressed in music, film, animation and documentary. The course explores deeper into the humanities and social theories of media and communication

Learning outcome

After completing the course, students will have achieved following:
 - Comprehensive historical knowledge about the role of journalism and the media played in the second cold war
 - Comprehensive knowledge about media and journalism in the field of tension between East and West
 - Basic knowledge of how the late part of the Cold War influenced music, film, animation and documentary - Comprehensive knowledge of the media's role and importance in conflicts in the recent past, and how the media produces both old and new cognitive patterns in an opinion
 - Have developed skills in use of historical sources related to writing of academic assignments - Is able to use various theoretical tools to analyze media.
General skills: - Be able to apply and actualize a historical material with the aim to understand their own time, and thus be able to apply that knowledge in to their own future professional work as a journalist or researcher.

Learning outcome knowledge

Etter fullført emne skal studentene ha tilegnet seg følgende

- inngående historiske kunnskaper om den rolle journalistikken og mediene spilte i den andre kalde krigen
- inngående kunnskaper om medier og journalistikk i spenningsfeltet mellom øst og vest
- grunnleggende kunnskaper om hvordan den sene del av den kalde krigen påvirket musikk, spillefilm, animasjonsfilm og dokumentarfilm
- inngående kunnskaper om medienes rolle og betydning i konflikter i nær fortid, og hvordan mediene produserer både gamle og nye kognitive mønstre i en opinion

Learning outcome skills

Etter fullført emne skal studentene ha tilegnet seg følgnde

- har utviklet ferdigheter i å bruke historiske kilder knyttet til akademisk oppgaveskriving
- er i stand til å anvende ulike teoretiske verktøy til å analysere medier

Learning outcome qualification

Etter fullført emne skal studentene ha tilegnet seg følgende

Generell kompetanse:

- kunne anvende og aktualisere et historisk stoff med tanke på å forstå sin egen samtid, og dermed kunne anvende kunnskapen i eget fremtidig arbeid som journalist eller forsker

Working and learning activities

Teaching takes place through a combination of lectures and seminars. Students will write a term paper which aims to deliver a longer academic and media professional assignment in which they will document an independent and well thought approach to research methods and be able to analyze and discuss a topic related to the empirical material. 

Assessment requirements

Innlevering av skisse til oppgave.


The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Minimum number of students: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Rolf Werenskjold
Used in other programs
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade