MMP302 Media, Professions and Society
The title of this course - Media, Professions and Society - contains the three central keywords in its content. These keywords also define the total structure of the course. The first part of the course discuss different kinds of media and how we can understanding them. The second part discusses how the professions - jobs and working conditions - develops in the media industry these days. And the third part discuss the role of media in society, through topics like media law and ethics, how the media meet the challenge of sustainability and how they behave in what is often called the "risk society".
In accordance with the national qualification framework, the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course:
The student has
- advanced knowledge of how to understand different kind of media and their practice in journalism, documentary film, public relations, animation etc
- advanced knowledge of relevant researcn on how the professions in the media industry develops these days - as well as what research says about media work and the working conditions for those employed.
- advanced knowledge about the role of media in society
The student
- can discuss both media, professions and the role of media in society - and how they influence each other - with advanced knowledge based on research
- can find and use relevant theories and include them in these discussions
- can reflect critical about different types of media practice - and be self critical towards his/her own own professional role in the media industry
The student
- has developed the ability to use knowledge to solve new problems and tasks in practical media work
- has a thorough understanding of her/his own professional practice and societal role. This includes knowledge of both similarities and differences towards other media professions and their practitioners role understandings and practices
Teaching is in the form of lectures and seminars.
Work requirements:
1. Write and deliver a first draft of an academic essay using writing conventions and standards for scholarly publishing (between 1000 and 2000 words). The topic should be one of the main subjects of the course.
2. Fill out the evaluation form for the course (done anonymously).
Examination results are executed in accordance with the Directive for Admission, Studies and Examination at Volda University College.
- Media Practices - master
Assessment Form | Grouping | Duration | Grading scale | Proportion | Comment | Support Materials | Scope |
Assignment | Individual | Semesters | A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade | The students shall deliver an essay about one of the main subjects of the course. | 4000 words 1,5 spaced, 12 pt (+/- 20 percent leeway allowed) |