
MUS206 Intuitiv komposisjon/improvisasjon og musikkfilosofi

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Specialization level (bachelor’s degree level)
Course name in Norwegian Nynorsk: 
Intuitiv komposisjon/improvisasjon og musikkfilosofi
Teaching semester: 
2018 Spring
Course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Intuitiv komposisjon/improvisasjon og musikkfilosofi
Assessment semester: 
2018 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

60 ECTS foundation course in Music, or equivalent.

Course content

With the guidance of a composer and through her own practical work and experimenting, the student shall use her creative skills and energies and learn methods to find a personal expression, a maximum flow of ideas, and ways in which to select and develop these. The course represents a specialization of knowledge and skills learned at foundation level. The course provides a platform for further studies in composition and creative work, or for pedagogic work with composition and improvisation in schools, music schools and voluntary music organizations.Central to the course content are non-tonal and free-tonal sound, and the physical placement and movement of sound in three-dimensional space. Course work will focus on the following:1) Background perspectives:Relaxation and concentration techniques.Existential themes and the role of music in such themes.2) Tools and work methods:Elasticity and intuitive evaluation.3) Creating music:Limiting musical materials.Extending and developing musical materials.Building co-sounding materials (vertical structures), line-building (horizontal structures - harmonic, melodic, dynamic, rhythmic, in movement), sound placement and movement in three-dimensional space.Building musical character, instrumentation (colouring, distribution of roles, consistency of expression), and articulation.Building form (dramaturgy).Planning a composition/improvisation.Notation.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the national qualification framework the student will have the following learning outcome after having completed the course:

Learning outcome knowledge


The student has knowledge about...

- problems for debate within the area of music philosophy.

- techniques for intuitive composition, improvisation and inspiration.

- research and development work within non-tonal and free-tonal composition, improvisation and music philosophy.

- ways to update and broaden her knowledge about processes within intuitive composition, improvisation and inspiration, and music philosophy.

- styles and techniques of composing and improvising in a historic perspective, their distinctive character and role in society.

Learning outcome skills


The student can...

- apply knowledge about music philosophy and techniques for intuitive composition, improvisation and inspiration in the student's own reflective and creative work.

- apply techniques for intuitive composition, improvisation and inspiration to express herself musically.

- reflect over her own composition work and adjust this under supervision.

- find and evaluate information and material about composing processes, and present this in such a way that it illuminates a problem for debate

Learning outcome qualification

General competency:

The student...

- has insight into professional and ethical questions related to music philosophy and composing processes.

- can plan and carry out a variety of tasks over periods of time, within the area of non-tonal and free-tonal composition, alone and with others, in adherence to ethical criteria and guidelines.

- can exchange viewpoints and experiences with others in the field of composition and music philosophy, and thus contribute to good practice

Working and learning activities

Attendance at all classes and group work is obligatory.Course work will be organized as class seminars, group work and individual tasks. Students will be given feedback on all assignments throughout the course.The course will be taught in both Norwegian and English.

Assessment requirements
  • Solving 10 composition tasks, 10 improvisation tasks and 10 written reflection tasks in the course of the semester
  • Preparing and participating in a concert with students' compositions and improvisations
  • A composition of minimum 4 minutes duration, delivered in notation at the close of the semester
  • A written text of minimum 2000 words on the correlation between composition/improvisation and existential questions (theme given at the start of the semester)
Evaluation system

Sensur vert gjennomført i samsvar med Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda, kap 5.


The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.

Minimum number of students: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Magnar Åm
Used in other programs
  • Music
  • Music - bachelor
  • Music, second one-year unit
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
3 Weeks
Pass / fail
Approval signature: 
Aud Folkestad