Animation Volda won the Internationalization prize

Text: Karl August Swanstrøm , Photo: Karl August Swanstrøm

- Updated

Animation Volda won the Internationalization prize for 2022 and it was a surprised and delighted festival board who received the award from the international officer at the Student Parliament, Fady Gemayel.

– This prize actually belongs to all the good work from the last board assembly, but we shall continuously follow up the lead and keep on being great at internationalization, the current economy officer and assisting leader, Oda Johnsen says. 

Fady surprised the award winners by summoning two of the board members to a meeting at the Student Parliament. Without mentioning a considerably amount of information other than discussing economy, he proudly handed over a diploma and a bank remittance signed 10,000 NOK. 

A natural part of the festival

– We feel that internationalization is a natural part of the operation of our festival, leader Johanne Sørengen says. 

She adds that they do have many international students at the animation study, which does the access and recruitment of international students easier, but they also focus on enlisting international performers to the festival, Johanne says. 

Animation is an international language by itself

– Animation with it drawings and options to use visual expressions without speech makes the understanding and target group universal, says Johanne, and adds that it makes animation an international language by itself. 

Fady says that the prize shall work as an incentive, give motivation and positive attention to students teams and organizations to make them work more actively to include international students. 

Jury decision

When asked about why this year's award went to Animation Volda, Fady says it was a decision made by the jury in the Student Parliament. Here is the statement:

"The Animation Volda Festival has for a long time been an important arena for interaction between local and international students at Volda University College (VUC).

The festival brings together students from different countries sharing a common interest in film and animation.

Since all information and promotion of the festival is done in both Norwegian and English language, it has been easy for international students to get involved in the event.

Planning and carrying out the festival is mostly done by teams of students that become a valuable arenas for integrating local and international students.

International guests are also welcomed to the festival, and together with current and former students, and staff in the animation programme, they contribute to an international environment and outlook in the Animation programme.

Former students often return to Volda to again experience the festival, as the inclusive and welcoming nature of Animation Volda creates long-lasting friendships."


Pris for internasjonalisering blir utdelt
Fady Gemael overrasker Animation Volda med utdeling av prisen

The Prize for Internationalisation is awarded to a Student Organization, Student Festival or a Student Team that has made a particulary good effort to include international students, work for diversity and create contact between norwegian and international students. Both students and staff at Volda University College can nominate candidates.

Recent year's winner of the award:

2020: Natura Volda

2019: Student Society Volda (Studentsamfunnet)

2018: Re:Act Volda

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