The Irish connection
The VUC International Office went on a mission to Ireland in April which resulted in two new partnerships with Irish universities i Dublin and Galway. Exchange and cooperation between Norway and Ireland has become more strategically important after Brexit.

The VUC International Office went on a mission to Ireland in April which resultet in two new partnerships with Irish universities i Dublin and Galway. Exchange and cooperation between Norway and Ireland has become more strategically important after Brexit.
Interest in exchange and cooperation with universities in Ireland has always been quite popular among students and staff at VUC, and due to Brexit, exchanges with the Emerald isle has become even more appealing to students and staff. Therefore, it is great news for VUC that two new partnerships have been made with Irish universities.
Institute of Art, design and technology (IADT)
Located in the southern suburb Dun Lagohaire in Dublin, you will find IADT one of Irelands primear schools of art and design. Its campus is buzzling with creative workshops and equipment rooms where you will find students working on practical crafts such as film & TV, fashion & textile, crafts & sculpture, design, animation and much more. IADT is also the home of the National Film School of Ireland which has a reputation of delivering great talents to the TV and film industry.
The Animation Programme at IADT is one of the top programmes in Ireland and work with the best animation schools world wide. VUC is proud of being one of the new IADT partners and look forward to exchanging students and staff in the years to come. Although this partnership is quite new, there first students will exchange between VUC and IADT already in the autumn of 2024 and we hope that these will just be the first of many students to benefit from this new partnership.
University of Galway
On the Irish west-coast you will find the charming city of Galway with its green parks and beautiful sea front. The University of Galway (former National University of Galway) is a large research university with approximately 20 000 students and 2-3000 staff and faculty. It is a historical university dating back to the early 1800s, somthing that is underlined by the majestic, old Quadrangle that is one of the first campus buildings you'll see when entering the campus.
VUC has entered into a partnership with the University of Galway within the fields of journalism & media and history & social science. This new Erasmus+ agreement has already seen 3 Galway students on exchange in Volda and similarly 3 students from VUC are planning to spend their autumn semester of 2024 in Galway. The students on exchange at the University of Galway will benefit from a lovely campus with great facilities, many associations and an amazing pub in the middle of the campus.