New Student Parliament at VUC

Text: Line Lauvsnes Oddekalv , Photo: Mariely Susana González Barboza

- Updated

The Student Parliament at Volda University College has elected a new working committee for the coming autumn and spring semester. Meet them and learn what they can do for you!

The working committee (AU) works to ensure a good student environment by being the link between students, employees and organizations. All students can share their ideas, wishes or opinions through the student parliament, so that the college can improve and develop and take care of the students.

AU has five responsible positions. Trond Fredrik Hagemann Hoddevik was elected as head of the Parliament, Matilde Tafjord Rødhammer as deputy head and responsible for education, Fady Gemayel as international manager, Daria Jermacane as welfare manager and Bethel Britto as information manager.

Below, each of them talks about themselves and their involvement in the student parliament.

Trond-Fredrik Hagemann Hoddevik, leader of the student parliament

I have been a student at Volda University College for four years, and am studying a master's degree in community planning. As a leader, my focus will be to make it easy for students to have their voices heard. I will therefore do my best to get more involvement in student democracy. My expectations for the coming year are precisely that we will gradually shake off the pandemic and finally get to return to the University College. Here we in the Student Parliament will be open to welcome students back. That is why the students are naturally invited to meet both me and others in the Working Committee at our office in BK.

Matilde Tafjord Rødhammer

As responsible for education, my responsibility is that matters from students concerning studies, teachers and subjects are followed up. I am also responsible for all shop stewards/student representatives from the different classes and quality committees among the students' training. Every semester, we hold a student council for all shop stewards/student representives giving them opportunity to report back on status, studies and lectures. I want to work for a better quality assurance of all subjects and studies, and that there is a proper structure that is easy to keep control of.

Fady Gemayel

I am studying Master in Media Practices. As an international manager, I work with the inclusion of the international students at the University College at all levels, as far as possible. In addition, I help the Norwegian students to get closer to the international students. I believe that if we unite, we can achieve a lot!

Daria Jermacane

I am in the first year of the child welfare pedagogy study. I come from Russia and have lived in Norway for almost two years. I was here as an exchange student before and I am very fond of Volda University College and will do everything possible to create a friendly and inclusive environment in the school. As a welfare manager, I have an opportunity to complete my wishes. The last year was difficult for everyone and I will do everything I can to help the students feel included and use their time here at Høgskulen!

Bethel Britto

I study journalism specializing in TV and Radio. I come from a small town in southern India called Mangalore and have lived here for almost two years now. Communication is one of the fields I am most interested in. Communication between the Student Parliament and students is very important so that all students find out about activities that take place at school, or they can complain when they think the school has made a mistake. Just get in touch with me, if you have any questions!

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