New study abroad opportunity at the University California, Berkeley
The International Office at Volda University College is in the process of signing a study abroad agreement with the University of California, Berkeley. The agreement will be in effect from the autumn semester of 2020,

Frå venstre: Rektor Johann Roppen, Kirsti Larson Bedolla og Arne Humberset
The International Office at Volda University College is in the process of signing a study abroad agreement with the University of California, Berkeley.
The agreement will be in effect from the autumn semester of 2020 and is limited to studies through the Berkeley International Study Program (BISP), an international programme allowing students to take courses from the UC Berkeley Department of Sociology.
The agreement is the result of a dialogue with UC Berkeley that started when two VUC faculty members did their research stay in Berkeley two years ago. Afterwards, there has been frequent contact until VUC this week was visited by Kristi Larson Bedolla, Associate Director for the BISP programme, to sort out the final details and get the agreement signed by VUC Rector Johann Roppen.
“We are continuously working to provide good and relevant study abroad opportunities for our students. It is not every day that we sign an agreement with one of the highest ranked universities in the world, so this is a big occasion for us. The BISP programme has previously been offered to students at the large research universities in Norway and we are very happy to be able to give the same offer to our students”, says Arne Humberset, Head of International Office