Plans for examination at VUC

Text: Karl August Swanstrøm , Photo: HVO

- Updated

VUC offers updated information to students on Corona Virus Testing and how to deal with symptoms of respiratory illness prior and during the exams. 

We are approaching the height of the exam period, but also the height of the flu season and unfortunately a new height of Covid-19 infections both locally and nationally. VUC therefore offers updated advice to students on what to do concerning exams and illness.

Too ill to meet in person?

Volda University College follows the national advice of the Norwegian Public Health Institute (FHI). This means that school exams are planned as normal (in-person) without strict infection control measures. Those students who wonder if they are too ill to meet at the exam in person, may consult the flow chart developed by FHI.

Covid-testing and exams

Students who notice Corona virus-related symptoms on the day before their exam, should call the Covid-testing centre in Volda +47 70058960 to obtain a Covid-19 rapid test. If the rapid test is negative, and you feel well enough, you can then attend the exam in person. Note that if you have had fever during the last 24 hours leading up to the exam, you must stay at home.
The Covid-test centre will try to offer testing in Volda for those who are not able to get to the main testing station in Hovdebygda (by the airport). This applies to both rapid tests and regular PCR tests.

Delayed exam

If you are sick and cannot meet for your examination, you are entitled to a second attempt (known as “Konte Exam”) at another time. To get a second attempt, students need to provide a doctor’s certificate or other valid documentation for the absence.


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