VEKA: It starts now
You can look forward to VEKA revue, Kapteinen, Hedda Mae, Lars Vaular, Kjærlighetspodden, YLVIS and much more!

Finally, VEKA is here! If you don't already know, VEKA is the student week in Volda, offering a lot of fun over two weeks. You can look forward to the Vekerevyen (revue), Kapteinen, Hedda Mae, Lars Vaular, Kjærlighetspodden, YLVIS and much more!
The well-known student revue will kick off the tradition of VEKA and will once again offer a number of laughs. During VEKA, Kapteinen and Lars Vaular will create a good atmosphere from the stage at Studenthuset Rokken, accompanied by several other artists.
Here is the programme:
Saturday 11. - Tuesday 15 February
Wednesday 15 February
Thursday 16 February
Friday 17 February
Saturday 18 February
Sunday 19 February
Games Tournament
Monday 20 February
Daytime: Elderly bingo
Tuesday 21 February
VEKAVision, beer tasting, probably live fotball screening
Wednesday 22 February
Thursday 23 Februay
Evening: Kjærlihetspodden. Daytime: Extra day
Friday 24 Februar
Saturday 25 Februar
Evening: Theme party. Daytime: Lively Saturday
Søndag 26. februar
Daytime: Dodgeball Tournament