Cultural and Lingustic Diversity in Education

About the research group

The interdisciplinary research group Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Education
 works with research questions related to opportunities and challenges which linguistic- and cultural diversity provides. The group focuses on how kindergartens and schools create a learning environment and an environment for growing up which provides the best possible benefit for all children, youths, and adults. Key research interests are:
• Inclusion and anti-racism work
• Multilingual and multicultural perspectives on development and learning in children and youths
• Norwegian language teaching in a second language perspective
The aim of the research group is to develop competence in the multilingual and multicultural field and to develop methodological competence in research in kindergartens and schools.

Research group organization:

The research group has regular meetings about once a month where we discuss issues, methods and theoretical questions related to research projects. 

Leaders and Contact persons:

Birgitte Fondevik (Professor in Norwegian didactics), tlf: 70075039, e-post

Randi Myklebust (Associate Professor in Pedagogy), tlf: 70075378, e-post

Ongoing research projects:

  • Role plays in the second language training (Hilde Thomassen)
  • Verbal work in the multilingual classroom (Randi Myklebust)
  • School- and kindergarten-based development in the multicultural field (Birgitte Fondevik, Randi Myklebust, Gunnhild Bergset, Kristin Rostad Gangstad)
  • Multilingualism as a resource in the upper secondary school (Sofie Emilie Holmen)
  • A reading project in an African classroom (Birgitte Fondevik)
  • DigiHand - multilingual pupils and writing development in digital classrooms (Birgitte Fondevik)
  • Use of children's literature in the multilingual and multicultural classroom (Birgitte Fondevik and Randi Myklebust)
  • Bilingual teaching models (Randi Myklebust)
  • Multilingual support in Norwegian language teaching for adult immigrants (Birgitte Fondevik)
  • Immigrant families in the meeting with Norwegian high school (Julia Melnikova)

National and international partners:

  • Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education. Contact person: Professor Lise Iversen Kulbrandstad
  • International research network for linguistic and cultural diversity in education, Edilic: Education and Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Contact person in Norway: Sofie Emilie Holmen
  • Bethel Pre- and Primary School, Himo, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Contact person in Norway: Birgitte Fondevik

Employees at Volda University College or other institutions who are interested in being part of the research group, possibly as an external partner, can contact one of the tenants.


Gunnhild Bergset (Assistant Professor in Pedagogy)
Kristin Rostad Gangstad (PhD Candidate) 
Sofie Emilie Holmen (PhD Candidate) 
Julia Melnikova (PhD Candidate) 
Terese Kristin Årsund Myklebust (Assistant Professor in Pedagogy)
Hilde Kathrine Thomassen (Assistant Professor in Norwegian Language)

Ekstern medlem:
Kathrine Tvinnereim (Assistant Professor in Pedagogy), Queen Maud University College