Digital exams

All digital exams at Volda University College are to be completed or submitted in Inspera: Log into Inspera using your Feide-account, which is the account used for Canvas and Studentweb. Students are advised to use the browser Google Chrome. 

All students are required to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations surrounding exams and academic dishonesty/cheating. 

Volda University College utilizes a digital plagiarism checker on all digital assessments and exams. 

General info

Technical aspects of examinations

All technical aspects of examinations, such as the candidate’s own devices failing or unstable/lack of internet connectivity, is the responsibility of the student. Incidents which lead to delays and can be documented, may be grounds for an extension of the deadline. The Division of Student and Academic Affairs reviews applications for extensions. 

Citing and referencing

When delivering exams in Inspera, the same rules for citing and sources apply as with other assignments and exams at Volda University College. Read more about the rules and regulations for citing sources here.

Read more about citing and referencing on the VUC Library’s reference site, or the Citation Compass

Forms of exams

Home exams

Home exams directly in Inspera 

  • Studentweb lists the date and candidate number for each exam. 

  • The assignment will be available in Inspera when the exam starts. 

  • Students are to write their exams directly in Inspera, and during the exam, the work will be automatically saved. Therefore, students may log in and out of the system without losing their work. 

  • When the allotted time has elapsed, the work will be automatically submitted. 

  • After the exam has finished, students can find their exams in “Archive” in Inspera. 

Home exams with file upload 

  • Studentweb lists the date(s) and candidate number for each exam. 

  • The assignment will be available in Inspera when the exam starts. 

  • Students are to write their exams in a separate document that they save on their computers. Before the deadline, students must upload their exams as a PDF file. 

  • Students may exchange the file as many times as they wish before the deadline. When the deadline has passed, the last uploaded file will be automatically submitted. 

  • Students should start the upload well before the deadline, to assure correct delivery. 

  • After the exam has finished, students can find their exams in “Archive” in Inspera. 

Term papers and portfolio exams

  • Studentweb lists the exam dates and candidate number for each exam. 
  • The exam folder in Inspera opens one week before the deadline, unless otherwise specified in the course description or the exam schedule. 
  • The exam instructions will list how many files each student should submit. Students are advised to make sure they submit files in the correct format. If the exam only allows one file, any appendices must be included in the same document as the rest of the paper. 
  • Should the exam include delivery of a physical product, students will find delivery instructions in Canvas. 

Group assignment

Students creating groups 

Create the group as early as possible after the exam has opened, to assure enough time for everyone to join the group and submit the exam before the deadline passes. 

1: Creating the group 

  • One group member logs into Inspera, enters the exam and clicks “See more details”. 
  • Create a group by clicking “Create new group”. 
  • Pick a PIN for the group. This is the key to adding members to the group. Do not pick a PIN such as 1234, 1111 or other “simple” codes. Then other students may accidentally join your group. 
  • Distribute the PIN to the group members. 

2: Joining a group 

  • The remaining members log into Inspera, enters the exam and clicks “See more details”. 
  • Join the group by choosing “Join existing group”. 
  • Enter the PIN code distributed by the group creator. When this is done, your candidate number is added to the group. 

3: Submitting the exam 

Do not submit the exam before all group members have joined the group. When submitting, the group will no longer accept new members. 

  • One of the group members log in to Inspera and enters the exam. 
  • Upload the group assignment as the specified file. 
  • After the exam is over, all members can find their submission in “Archive” in Inspera. 

Pre-determined groups 

  • One of the members of the group uploads the exam as the specified file. 
  • After it has been submitted, all group members have access to the file in Inspera. 
  • All group members may exchange the uploaded file up until the deadline passes. The last upload will be submitted for evaluation for all group members. 
  • After the exam is over, all group members can find their submission in “Archive” in Inspera. 

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Contact the Student Service Office:
 +47 70 07 50 18 | 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00