Registration for examination

Every semester, students admitted to at programme of study at Volda University College must apply for courses and registrate for examination in Studentweb. Take a look at the calendar for the academic year to get an overview of important deadlines and dates.

Illness at exams

If you are ill or have another valid reason for not taking an exam, your absence may be approved. With an approved reason for absence, you do not use one of your examinations attempts, and you can apply for a postponed examination.

Postponed written exams are arranged for you if you are ill or have another valid reason for not attending an exam. The postponed exam is held in
 week 40 or week 10 in the academic year. There might be deviations. Check the date in Studentweb.

In courses which are offered each semester, students with an approved reason for absence may be directed to the next ordinary examination. 

With home exams or assignments, you may in some cases be granted an extended deadline instead of a postponed exam. Contact the Student Services if you are in a similar situation and make an appointment. You must be able to provide documentation.


Withdrawal from an examination

You may withdraw from an exam up to two weeks before the exam. If you wish to withdraw before the exam/deadline, You find the final withdrawal date on Studentweb, under "Active courses". Or if it is a part of an examination you can use this form: Skjema for eksamensavmelding her (Pdf)* Only in Norwegian.

If you withdraw after the deadline or during the exam it will be considered an examination attempt, as will failure to attend the examination.

Resitting an examination

In most courses, you can take the examination up to three times. You can not re-sit an examination if you have used the maximum number of examination attempts. Please note that withdrawal does not automatically entitle you to a new exam. If you take the same examination several times, the best grade will apply as the final grade.

If you have not passed an examination, or if you have documented illness at the ordinary exam / you withdraw during the ordinary exam, you can register for an re-sit examination.

If you
 failure to attend the examination or would like to improve your examination result, you can usually register for the next ordinary examination.

Take a look at the calendar for the academic year to get an overview of important deadlines and dates.


Withdrawal during examination

If you withdraw after the deadline or during the exam it will be considered an examination attempt.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Contact the Student Service Office:
 +47 70 07 50 18 | 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00