The Prize for Internationalization

The Prize for Internationalization is awarded to a Student Organization, Student Festival or a Student Team that has made a particulary good effort to include international students, work for diversity and create contact between norwegian and international students. Both students and staff at Volda University College can nominate candidates. 

The Student Parliament has the overall responsibility for the award and leads the jury. The price is NOK 10.000.

Prisen blir delt ut kvart år i februar, i samband med internasjonal veke. Både studentar og tilsette ved Høgskulen i Volda kan nominere kandiatar. Prisen vart første gong delt ut i 2017, etter initiativ frå Studentparlamentet. Juryen er sett saman av Studentparlamentet, Internasjonalt kontor, rektoratet, SiVolda og Pangaia. 

I 2023 gjekk prisen til VSI - Volda Studentidrettslag. Vi gratulerer!

The resent years winners of the award: 

2022: Animation Volda Festival

2021: no winner of the prize due to the pandemic 

2020: Natura Volda 

2019: Studentsamfunnet i Volda

2018: Re:Act Volda

2017: Natura Volda

Articles of association for the prize: