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Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget


Institutt for realfag


Doktorgrad matematikkdidaktikk (UiB)

Integrert lektorutdanning i realfag, master i matematikkdidaktikk (UiT)

Årsstudium KRL (FIH)


Underviser på grunnskulelærarutdanninga

Har tidlegare undervist matematikk og naturfag i vidaregåande skule

Faglege interesser

Undervising av matematikk, matematisk modellering og lærarutdanning.



Other works

Eliciting students work on mathematical competencies through programming
Published 2024 by Runar Lie Berge, Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget, Andreas Brandsæter, Beate Krøvel Humberset

Elefanten i klasserommet
Published 2024 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget, Pauline Vos

Positioning Theory framework for analysing teaching of mathematical modelling
Published 2023 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Matematisk modellering i undervisinga – Kva, kvifor og korleis?
Published 2023 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Mathematical modelling in upper secondary school: A case study of Norwegian curriculum discourses [ISBN 9788230846476] 186s.
Published 2023 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Modellering i skulematematikken
Published 2022 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Matematisk modellering i skulen
Published 2022 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Konflikt i matematikkundervisinga? Undervising av matematisk modellering.
Published 2021 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Evaluating engagement in real-life situations in the teaching of mathematical modelling by a scenario-based domain model
Published 2021 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Evaluation of teachers' example tasks of mathematical modelling in Norwegian upper secondary school.
Published 2021 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Meir naturfag og matematikk i barnehagen
Published 2019 by Kari Ryslett, Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Modelling competence and textbook tasks in upper secondary school
Published 2019 by Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget

Verkelegheitsnær matematikk
Published 2018 by Ingeborg Berget, Oda Heidi Bolstad