Alternative methods for two-factor authentication

The VUC IT office recommends a mobile app for two-factor authentication. This is a safer and better solution than other methods. However, there are alternatives both with and without a mobile phone. 


If you want to use, for example, approval by SMS instead of the mobile app Authenticator, you can log in in the usual way in this portal.

Here you will find information about your setup, and can add and change your two-factor method (See screenshot).

Portal for endring av tofaktor

If you can not use a mobile phone for two-factor authentication, it is possible to use the following alternatives:

For students:

  • Take advantage of browser add-ons in Google Chrome. This addon only works for Chrome, not other browsers

  • Application on PC / Mac: Download the desired software to your computer. There are several variants to choose from, for example WinOTP Authenticator

  • USB security key: Of the many products on the market, we have tested the YubiKey 5 NFC. You need to install software on your computer and set it up with the security key. YubiKey can be found in various online stores

  • Note: The selection, setup and use of these alternative solutions for two-factor authentication are at your own risk. You must cover any costs yourself.


For employees:

Employees who can not use the mobile app must contact IT help. You will need a USB security key and associated software. This must be installed on your computer. Note that this will not work with some older PCs. It is also a less user-friendly alternative, and may have some lead-time for ordering.