
ENG206 British and American Comedy

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Specialization level (bachelor’s degree level)
Teaching semester: 
2018 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2018 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

60 studiepoeng i engelsk (årsstudium eller tilsvarande)

Course content

This course examines British and American comedies from different periods and different genres. Students learn how to identify and analyse the techniques these comedies employ, to recognise and evaluate the purposes they serve, and to interrogate the assumptions about human nature and human behaviour they involve. This includes paying particular attention to what British and American comedies have to tell us about the British and Americans in particular – their histories, cultures, societies and outlooks – and about the similarities and differences between them.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the national qualification framework, the student has achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course:

Learning outcome knowledge

After completing the course, the student should be familiar with:

  • a wide range of British and American comedies
  • comedic traditions in Britain and the United States
  • theories of comedy
  • the roles comedy performs in British and American society
Learning outcome skills

After completing the course, the student is able to

  • analyse comic technique in a variety of genres
  • analyse the relationship between specific comic techniques and specific ideological purposes
  • research, write about and discuss comedy in an academic manner
Learning outcome qualification

After completing the course, the student is able to

  • use materials from different genres and different media to discuss British and American culture
  • research, evaluate and discuss British and American culture in an academic manner 
Working and learning activities

Teaching consists of 4 hours a week for 12 weeks of the semester. Each teaching week consists of one 2-hour class and one 2-hour workshop on separate days.

Assessment requirements

There are two work requirements, both of which must be completed within the specified deadlines and approved by the course tutor.

For the first work requirement, the student must submit a 1000-word written analysis of an assigned scene or passage from the reading list that displays a sufficient level of theoretical reflection and methodological practice.

The second work requirement consists of two parts and relates to the research paper that will account for 50% of the student’s final grade. For this paper, the student must first give a short oral presentation of their ideas in class and later submit a full written draft for the supervisor to comment on as a work-in-progress.

Evaluation system

Sensur vert gjennomført i samsvar med Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda, § 5-11 (


The course will be evaluated in accordance with Volda University College’s routines for quality assurance: (

Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Timothy Saunders
Used in other programs
  • English - specialization
  • Language and Literature - bachelor
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
Oral examination
1 Hours
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
Oral exam to cover the assigned course pensum (50%)
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
The research paper will be on a topic of the student's own choosing, subject to the approval of the course tutor. The student will be responsible for building their own primary and secondary bibliography for this paper. Students with an interest in teaching will be allowed to give this paper a didactic focus and to discuss how British and/or American comedy may be used in the school classroom.
Research paper of 2500-3000 words (50%)