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ENG211 Bacheloroppgåve - språk
60 credits foundation courses in English (Year Course or equivalent). In addition, the student must have completed and passed a specialization level course, or be registered for a specialization level course in parallel with ENG 211.
The course consists of an individual written paper of 7000 - 9000 words + a related reading list of theory. The list of references and any appendices will not be included in the word count. The student selects the topic for the paper in consultation with the course convener or supervisor. The paper must be based on a specialisation course in language which the student has completed or studies in parallel with the paper. The paper is to be written in English.
The student demonstrates detailed knowledge of a selected topic in language studies.The student demonstrates basic knowledge on relevant theory and research methods.The student demonstrates the ability to work independently on locating the source materials necessary, and on exploring and presenting this material in an appropriate written form.The student demonstrates the ability to adhere to current norms for academic writing.
- inngåande kunnskap om eit utvald språkleg emne.
- grunnleggande kunnskap om teori og forskingsmetode relevant i høve til dette emnet
- evne til å utforske det utvalde emnet basert på ei problemstilling utarbeidd saman med rettleiar
- evne til å finne naudsynt kjeldemateriale, og til å bearbeide, drøfte og presentere dette i ei lengre, skriftleg form.
- evne til å uttrykkje seg på akademisk engelsk
- evne til å rette seg etter gjeldande normer for akademisk skriving.
The student will, in consultation with the supervisor, select topic, problem statement and delimitation for the paper. It is a prerequisite that the student works independently. A supervisor will be appointed for each student, who will provide assistant through the process. Beyond this, work with the material is based on self study.
- Studenten må levere eit oppsett over emne, problemstilling og pensumframlegg innan oppsett frist i byrjinga av semesteret.
- Studenten skal møte til to eller tre avtalte rettleiingssamtalar med oppnemnd rettleiar, alternativt nett/telefon-samtalar.
- Oppgåva med pensumlister må leverast innan oppsett frist.
- For å få godkjendt arbeidskrava må studenten halde seg til fastsette fristar.
Sensur blir gjennomført i samsvar med Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda.
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the Volda University College quality assurance system.
- English - specialization
Assessment Form | Grouping | Duration | Grading scale | Proportion | Comment | Support Materials | Scope |
Bachelor's thesis | Individual | A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade | |||||
Adjusting oral examination | Individual | A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade | 100 |