
MPRO103 Advanced Media Practices

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
Course name in Norwegian Nynorsk: 
Advanced Media Practices
Teaching semester: 
2022 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2022 Spring
Language of instruction: 


Required prerequisite knowledge

The student must have completed 60 credits of media production courses before enrollment.

The course is only open to students taking MID202 in the same semester.

Course content

MPro103 Advanced Media Practices is a production practice course that may be taken alongside MID202 Advanced Media Production. In MPro103 the student gets to practice the production principles from the MID202 workshops. The students will work in groups producing factual short form content throughout the semester. In this course, students will test out the various roles of a production, such as the writer, director, camera, sound and editing.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework the student will have achieved the following learning outcomes after completing the course:

Learning outcome knowledge

The student has

  • knowledge of principles and practices for making a developed script/treatment into a production.
  • knowledge of leadership, teamwork and responsibilities.
  • knowledge of planning and organising productions.
Learning outcome skills

The student

  • can apply narrative principles in practice
  • can reflect on her/his practice, analyse it and adjust it under supervision
  • has developed increased skills in directing productions
  • has developed increased technical skills in camera, sound and post production operations
  • can apply film art and aesthetics in practice
Learning outcome qualification

The student

  • can organise media productions in different situations
  • can work in a team
  • can write production reports
Working and learning activities

The students will produce factual short form content in various genres and formats. Additionally there may be workshops combined with lectures, seminars and practical work, in groups or individually. 

The course is taught in English if there are international students in the class. Individual assignments and papers may be written in Norwegian or English.

Assessment requirements


There is obligatory attendance in the course.

Work requirements:

There will be 2 practical work requirements. All work requirements must be completed and approved.

Minimum number of students: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Jon Harman
Used in other programs
  • Bachelor in Medieproduction
  • PR, Communication and Media - bachelor
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
2 Weeks
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
2 Weeks
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade
2500 words
Course giving reductionDegree of overlapReduction
MKP101 Medie- og kulturproduksjon
Approval signature: 
Kate Kartveit