
NOIN101 Norwegian Language, Civilization and Academic life – an Introduction

Course code: 
1 semester
Credits (ECTS): 
Level of study: 
Foundation level (bachelor’s degree level)
Teaching semester: 
2018 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2018 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Applicants must be qualified to study at a university or university college in accordance with the Higher Education Entrance Qualification. The course does not require Norwegian language skills. 

Course content

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This course is intended for international students in the Erasmus student exchange programme. The course will provide students with a basic introduction to Norwegian language (nynorsk), society and national character. It will also provide students with skills in academic writing. The main purpose of the course is to help international students adapt to Norwegian academic practices and standards.

Learning outcome

In accordance with the National Qualification Framework the student will have following learning outcome after completing the course:

Learning outcome knowledge

After completing the course, the students will possess knowledge about:

  • Highlights of Norwegian history, geography and civilization
  • Some characteristics of Norwegian mentality and culture
  • Basic Norwegian language (the Nynorsk variety)
  • How to write academic texts
  • The role of a student in Norway
Learning outcome skills

After completing the course, the students are able to:

  • Communicate in Norwegian on a basic level using simple, everyday language and expressions.
  • Write academic texts
Learning outcome qualification

The students will acquire some knowledge of the main characteristics of Norwegian society, and of what is expected of students in Norwegian university colleges.

Working and learning activities
  • The teaching will involve interactive discussion-based lectures, group work and presentations. The course will be taught in English. During the course, the students will have to produce a text in English for which they will be given individual supervision.  The text must adhere to standards for academic writing. The final assessment in the course is based on the final version of this text. 
Assessment requirements

During the course, each student is required to:

  • Complete one individually written assignment of approximately 1000 words. The students will be given individual guidance during the writing process.
  • Give an oral group-presentation in Norwegian.
  • Attendance is compulsory.
Evaluation system

Sensur blir gjennomført i samsvar med Forskrift om opptak, studium og eksamen ved Høgskulen i Volda.


The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance. 

Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge: 
Inger Strand
Used in other programs
Assessment FormGroupingDurationGrading scaleProportionCommentSupport MaterialsScope
1 Semester
A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade