Oral/practical exams 

Oral and/or practical exams are exams where students do not submit a digital product, but has either an oral exam or a performative exam, for example a musical performance. 

Time and place for these exams are determined by the course coordinator. 

Some digital exams are followed by oral adjusting exams. In these courses, the result following the oral adjusting exam is the final result. Grade proporsions are always listed in the course description. 

Students who want a grade explanation following an oral and/or practical/performative exam, must ask for it immediately after receiving the grade. 

Performance on oral or practical exams cannot be verified after the fact, and students may therefore not appeal their grades for these kinds of exams. 

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Contact the Student Service Office:
 +47 70 07 50 18 | studentsorvis@hivolda.no 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00