Written in-person exams (on campus)

Written in-person exams are digital unless otherwise specified in the exam schedule. Digital in-person exams are written on the student’s own personal computer in Safe Exam Browser (SEB). It is not possible to use Chromebook or tablets for in-person exams. Before the day of the exams, all students must make sure that their computer functions as intended, and that they have the correct version of SEB installed. Students should also check what room they are to sit the exam in. 

Students are required to familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations for exams and academic dishonesty/cheating.


In-person exams in Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

System requirements 
Your computer is required to have a functioning network card, and you must bring your power cord. The computer must be able to run uninterrupted for the duration of the exam. Should you suspect a problem with your computer, contact the IT desk.

You may bring a computer mouse and keyboard, but they cannot be wireless. If you do not have a functioning computer, or you forget to bring it, you will have to write by hand. 

Note that you must use the wireless network Eduroam during the exam. If you are unable to log into Eduroam, contact the IT desk before the day of the exam. 

Safe Exam Browser (SEB) 
Before the day of the exam, you must have installed Safe Exam Browser (SEB) on your computer. This browser locks down your computer during the exam, so that you will only have access to the exam. SEB is continually updated, students must check each term that they have the correct version. Do not search for SEB online, you can download it in the demo exam in Inspera (see “Before the exam” below). 

NOTE: SEB has specific operating system requirements, read more about those here. Older computers might not be able to run SEB, in which case, you will be notified during the install process. If you have a Mac and are not sure what OS you have, contact IT-support to check this before your exam. 

Before the exam

Demo exam in Inspera 
To install and check your version of SEB, login to Inspera to complete a demo exam: https://hivolda.inspera.no/. Login using Feide and choose “Demoeksamen med Safe Exam Browser”. 

If you are able to complete the demo exam, you can be assured that your computer is ready for the exam. 

Time and place 
Before the day of the exam, you should check where you are to show up on the day. You will find the room in Studentweb. Studentweb will also list your candidate number and any adaptation to the exam if applicable. 

The day of the exam

  • Bring a valid ID, not a digital ID 
  • Bring your computer and its power cord 
  • Show up at least 30 minutes before the exam starts 
  • Find a seat and connect your computer to electricity 
  • Restart your computer if it has been in sleep mode 
  • Connect to the wireless Eduroam network 
  • You will find login instructions on your desk. 
  • The code to log into SEB will be made available. 
  • The invigilators will pass out scratch paper when the exam starts. 
  • Log in early. You will not be awarded extra time if your log in is delayed because of password changes, computer issues, etc.
  • Should you have questions regarding the exam or technical aspects, contact one of the invigilators. 
  • When you are ready to submit, click “Submit now”. Your work will be locked when the allotted time has passed and you will be redirected to the submission page. 
  • After you have submitted your exam, contact an invigilator who will then check that your exam has been properly submitted. You may not leave before this is done. 
  • Log out of SEB and Inspera. 
  • Your submission will be available in Inspera after the exam, in the tab “Archive”. 

Handskriven skriftleg skuleeksamen

Handskriven skriftleg skuleeksamen er særleg relevant for matematikkstudentar. Du pliktar å setje deg inn i regelverket knytt til eksamen og fusk.


På eksamensdagen:

  • Ta med gyldig legitimasjon, ikkje digital legitimasjon.
  • Møt opp seinast 15 minutt før eksamensstart.
  • Finn ein plass i lokalet og gjer deg klar. Legg vekk alt anna enn det som er lov å ha framme (lovlege hjelpemiddel, skrivesaker, legitimasjon, mat, drikke, ev. medisin).
  • Du får utdelt eksamensoppgåva av eksamensvakta i det eksamen startar.
  • Du må ta kontakt med eksamensvakta for å få levere inn eksamen.
  • Du må skrive kandidatnummeret ditt på kvar av sidene.
  • Skriv med penn for å sikre at teksta vert synleg på alle arka.


Skriftlege handskrivne eksamenar ved HVO nyttar gjennomslagsark. Då skriv ein på det øvste arket, og teksta slår gjennom til dei to arka under. Når du leverer, skal du levere to eksemplar til eksamensvakta, og tredje eksemplaret beheld du sjølv. Det er viktig å ikkje legge omslagsarka på kvarandre når ein skriv, spør eksamensvaktene om du er usikker.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

Contact the Student Service Office:
 +47 70 07 50 18 | studentsorvis@hivolda.no 
or stop by during our opening hours:
- Monday, from 9.30 - 15.00 
- Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 - 15.00