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KOH203 Visual Communication II
KOH131 and KOH133. Or equivalent, subject to individual asssesment/evaluation.
Visual Communication II is a compulsory course in the study programme Bachelor’s in Design, Art and Crafts, and is a 200-level course. Students must include a 200-level course, KOH203 or KOH204, as part of their bachelor degree. The course is also available for international exchange students.
The course builds on the academic level provided by the course KOH131 Visual Communication, and develops a deeper insight into and understanding of visual communication. There is an emphasis on knowledge of formal aesthetics, with form, colour, composition, signs, typography and theory associated with visual communication being an important part of the teaching. Through creative work, on two and three-dimensional communication surfaces, students learn to use the visual language in a range of communication processes. Assignments are designed to provide students with knowledge of, and skills in, various techniques and methods, giving them the ability to evaluate and work strategically with visual communication in an increasingly media-dominated world. The use of digital tools is a key part of the course.
In accordance with the national qualification framework, students can expect the following learning outcome after completing the course:
The student:
- has knowledge of visual tools such as colour, composition, signs and typography
- has knowledge of drawing as a visual language
- has knowledge of ideas development and sketch work as part of a creative process
- has knowledge of the use of visual tools in the development of a visual identity
- has knowledge of process reports and presenting one’s own work to others
- has knowledge of visual language theory.
The student:
- is able to use form, colour, composition, signs and typography in their own creative processes, and critically reflect on these
- is able to use drawings to visualise and communicate different ideas
- is able to use and reflect on theories relating to visual identity in their own creative processes
- is able to work on a process from idea to finished product and present this in a clear and informative way
- is able to see the connection between visual language theory and practical creative work.
The student:
- has the ability to take an active role and be a critical participant in the public, visual space
- has the ability to evaluate their own and others’ visual impression from a professional perspective
- is able to evaluate and reflect on ethical problems associated with the visual culture.
The forms of work and teaching on this course are a combination of lectures, the use of digital teaching and learning resources, and practical and theoretical assignments. A range of presentation situations are also included, in front of the whole class or in small groups. Teaching is both at an individual level and in groups, and the work may be either teacher-controlled or student-controlled. Students are expected to take much of the responsibility for their own learning, by participating actively in the forms of work and teaching. Students will receive process evaluation during the work sessions and in presentation situations.
Other information about how the course is taught: Students are expected to have basic computer skills. Students must have a computer that is able to handle Creative Cloud software. The lectures are held in English. The student can answer individual exams and coursework requirements either in English or a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish).
Attendance and participation in all organised learning activities and teaching is compulsory, with respect to compulsory attendance (Regulations for admissions, studies and examinations at Høgskulen i Volda § 6-6). Participation means that students must work with their fellow students in a way that gives the teacher insight into their learning processes. Students who miss any of the teaching are responsible for informing themselves of what took place during their absence.
Work requirements: One practical assignment with process report, submitted on Canvas by the specified deadline.
Examinations are held in accordance with Regulations for admissions, studies and examinations at Høgskulen i Volda § 9-4
Students pay a materials fee of NOK 150 for the purchase of communal materials. Students must also be prepared to purchase some basic equipment.
- Design, Arts and Crafts - bachelor
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Varighet | Karakterskala | Andel | Kommentar | Hjelpemidler | Omfang |
Portfolio | Individual | Semesters | A-F, A is the best grade and E is the lowest passing grade | 100 | Two practical assignments with process report. |