Å lese Norge. Norsk litteratur i omsetting
For Norwegian version click here
“Reading Norway. Norwegian literature on translation" is open to all students who are interested in learning about Norwegian literary and cultural history, regardless of their study programme. The course offers an overview of Norwegian literature in English translation from the Viking age up till today. The course aims to put Norwegian literary works in the broader historical and cultural context of the development of European literature, and welcomes cross-cultural approaches.
After completing the programme, the student:
- possesses knowledge about key themes, authors and periods of Norwegian literature
- has developed and is able to express a critical view on a literary work and to make comparisons with the student’s own literature and culture
After completing the program, the student has:
- basic knowledge of Norwegian culture, history and society
- basic knowledge of norms and standards of literary analysis
After completing the programme, the student is able to:
- put Norwegian works and authors in their respective historical period
- analyse a literary text in the light of its historical and cultural background
- interpret cultural and social phenomena and texts from Norway
Å kunne bruke kunnskapar og ferdigheiter på ein sjølvstendig måte i ulike situasjonar gjennom å vise samarbeidsevne, ansvarskjensle, evne til refleksjon og kritisk tenking i utdannings- og yrkessamanheng
12 teaching sessions of 3 hours. Sessions will include lectures and team work. Students are required to attend at least 75% of the classes.
Å lese Noreg. Norsk litteratur i omsetjing er ope for alle studentar som ønskjer å lære om norsk litteratur og kulturhistorie, uavhengig av studieprogram. Etter å ha fullført NLIT101 skal studenten:
- ha brei kunnskap om sentrale tema, forfattarar og periodar i norsk litteratur
- ha grunnleggjande kunnskapar om norsk, kultur, historie og samfunn
- kunne analysere tekstar med vekt på tekstens historiske og kulturelle bakgrunn
Course | 2025 Autumn |
15 | |
Sum (15 total) | 15 |
The course will be evaluated in accordance with the University College’s routines for quality assurance.