
  • Congratulations, Preben Carlsen!


    We congratulate the PR-company Trigger, headed by former VUC-student Preben Carlsen, was awarded the Global SABRE Award for the best creative PR-company.

  • Wednesday Screenings


    Every wednesday the animation- and documentary departments at Volda University College arrange film screenings open for all students who want to strengthen their film historical insight.

  • Sports course for Erasmus students


    The Faculty of Art and Physical Education introduced the ERASPORT-course designed specifically for international students this spring. The aim of the course is to introduce international students to Norwegian physical education, sport traditions and outdoor life (friluftsliv).

  • Unique photo exhibition


    Students who took the master’s course in Documentary photography this spring have gathered some of their work in an exhibition at the Berte Kanutte house. Course Convener Dr. Stuart Franklin says that he is very proud of the result.

  • VUC at the top nationally on staff mobility


    Volda University College (VUC) is among the leading higher education institutions in Norway with regards to faculty/staff exchange through the Erasmus+ programme. The International Board at VUC aims to build further on this success.

  • Frankulstein at Zagreb 2015


    The collaboration between Volda Univsersity College (VUC) and Ulstein Group in Ulsteinvik continues to reap benefits. «Frankulstein», a film made by students and staff at VUC, has now been accepted into one of the world's biggest and most prestigious animation festivals, Zagreb 2015.



    It has been 10 years since the extreme sport festival X2 was established by a group of students in Volda. Since 2005 the festival has evolved to become a venue for people who enjoy outdoor activities - with competitions on snow, air, mountains, hill, river and ocean.

  • Deep moments – international research cooperation


    Department of physical education got research visitors from Czech Republic which wish to cooperate with Volda University College on the topic «deep moments» within the phenomenon of Friluftsliv. The project is interdisciplinary and explores terms like spirituality, aesthetics, transcendence, feelings and well-being in meeting with nature.