Frequently asked questions about two-factor authentication
What do I do if I have a problem with two-factor authentication?
- If you do not find help on this page, the user manual is a good tip
- Contact IT-help if you are stuck
How often do I have to authenticate?
This may vary! If you use a VUC-owned device, you must do it less often than on a private PC/device. When you are on HVO networks, including VPN, you should not be prompted with two-factor authentication. When you are traveling and are outside the outside the campus area, you must expect that it happens at least every 45 days, and probably more often. Also expect it to happen more often if you switch between different browsers when off campus.
What if I forget my phone at home or it does not work?
Hopefully, you will not have to authenticate yourself exactly on the day this happens. If you are unlucky, IT-help can offer you an emergency solution.
Can I use an app other than Microsoft Authenticator?
We recommend "Microsoft Authenticator" with one-touch authentication for Android and iOS. Google Authenticator, Authy and other apps also work, but IT-help only provides support for Microsoft Authenticator.
Microsoft Authenticator does not work. What do I do?
You can try reinstalling Microsoft Authenticator on your phone. Check the user manual for how.
Alternatively, try deleting the profile from Microsoft Authenticator and adding it again.
To do this on iPhone (note there may be slight variations on Android):
- Tap the account you want to delete
- Press the gear wheel at the top right
- Press "Remove account" and confirm
Do I have to use my mobile phone for two-factor authentication?
Mobile phone with the app "Microsoft Authenticator" is the recommended method, but there are alternative methods.
Questions about two-factor come up very often...
There can be several reasons for this. Here are some tips:
- Select the "Keep me signed in" checkbox when you log in to services in your browser should give fewer authentication requests
- Using an app (e.g. Outlook) instead of accessing a service in your browser can contribute to fewer authentication requests
- If you have configured your browser to delete browser data when closing, this may trigger two-factor authentication every time you log in.
- If you use private browsing mode, you must log in every time you enter the browser, since authentication history is not stored in such mode.
- If you often log on and off VPN and/or use browsers such as the Tor Browser, you will be asked to authenticate yourself more often.