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    In Portugal to learn about the EU


    – It is ok to see the sums of money from the EU on paper, but much more instructive to see what they are physically used for, says Rebekka Schubert. She was one of the students who got to experience how the EU's policies are practiced and their impact on a member country.

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    Autumn concert with the College Choir and guests


    Sunday 10 November there will be dramatic and exuberant music to hear at Volda church. Then the choir at Volda University College will gather for a concert with choir and instrumental ensemble, in collaboration with Volda Hornmusikk.

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    World stars for the Animation Volda Festival


    An Emmy Award winner and several other big names from the animation industry are guests who will share their knowledge during the Animation Volda Festival September 12-15.

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    Volda University College has appointed a student representative


    Volda University College has for the first time appointed a student representative. - It means safety for the students and a good person to seek advice and support in various matters, says Trym Rimmen, leader of the student parliament.

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    Safe studystart: download sikresiden.no


    In case of something unforeseen happens to you, it's very okay to have sikresiden.no on your mobile, says David Bernatek, welfare officer in the Student Parliament in Volda.

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    Do you want to travel to Portugal next fall?


    In the last week of September 2019 a trip to Portugal is planned for students taking the course IPA 113 / 213 (The European Union and Regional Development: theories and practices), which is part of the Planning and Administration Bachelor’s Degree.

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    - The media master program changed my perspective


    March 1st is the deadline for applying to the Master in Media Practices at Volda Universtity College. Meet two students that did just that last year, and are really happy about their choice. 

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    VEKA - What is it all about?


    Is this your first year at Høgskulen I Volda? Are you a new exchange student? Then you might have noticed there’s a lot of things going on around the university and the town. This week and also the upcoming one is full of events because of VEKA 2019. Still don’t know what is it?

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    International day 2019 – an event to remember


    The 6th of February was a big day at Høgskulen I Volda. The international office have had to prepare one of the most important events of the year, the international day. A day which students from more than 40 different countries have its own stand and the chance to show local students a little bit of its culture, its country and universities.