
  • «Buddy Week» in Volda


    As a new student in Volda, you should feel welcome and taken care of! That is the goal of Buddy Week, a week filled with different events for almost any taste, in a safe environment where friendship and getting familiar both at campus and your new home town are some of the goals. Get a taste of what’s waiting for you the first week in Volda!

  • A social start to the new academic year


    Primarily in-person teaching, many different arenas for social interactions, and getting to know your fellow students in a safe surroundings – welcome to the semester start in Volda!

  • Frå venstre: Dekan for Avdeling for mediefag Kate Kartveit, rektor Johann Roppen, statsminister Erna Solberg, direktør Karen Lomeland Jacobsen. 

    Visit from the Prime Minister


    Prime Minister Erna Solberg met with students and received a tour of the brand new media building when she visited Volda University College (VUC). Student active teaching methods and plans for a new innovation centre was also on the agenda.

  • New Student Parliament at VUC


    The Student Parliament at Volda University College has elected a new working committee for the coming autumn and spring semester. Meet them and learn what they can do for you!

  • The Short Film Festival in Grimstad – in Volda! 


    In collaboration vith Volda University College and Volda municipality, the Norwegian Short Film Festival will show their program at the cinema in Volda 9th – 13th of June. – Great films at a really low price, promises the organizers.

  • Environmental report: Corona effect on energy consumption at HVO


    The climate and environmental report for Volda University College for 2020 is ready. In the "Korona year", it has not surprisingly been a large decrease in emissions due to travelling. Several measures should also see to this number being kept down in the future. 

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    Pangaia trainee position


    Are you a responsible, proactive, and social person, interested in internationalisation, other cultures, languages and backgrounds? Then you might just be the right person for us! The International Office is happy to announce that we are looking for two trainees in Pangaia. The positions are available from 1st August 2021, for the entire duration of the academic year 2021/2022.

  • New possibilites with Erasmus+


    Volda University College has been awarded the official charter for Erasmus+ 2021-2027. In the upcoming Erasmus+ programme period, the budget has been increased and opportunities expanded.

  • Digital teaching until 18 January


    Following an order from the Ministry of Education and Research, all teaching will be digital until 18 January - so there will be no regular teaching at the university college.