Courses starting on 2018 Spring:
- ANFIG102 Figure drawing 2
- ANI201 Animation 4 - production/specializing 1
- ANI202 Animation 4 - production/specializing 2
- CCP101 Creative Commercial Photography
- ENG143 Phonetics and varieties of English
- ENG143N Phonetics and varieties of English
- ENG144 Literature, Culture and Society before 1900
- ENG144N Literature and culture before 1900
- ENG206 British and American Comedy
- ENG211 Bacheloroppgåve - språk
- ENG213 Bacheloroppgåve - litteratur
- EXP100-AVG Examen philosophicum
- FLM101 Introduction to film history
- FME103 Photo for media
- IPA203 Internship with internship report (15 ECTS)
- IPA206 Internship with internship report (30 ECTS)
- KUM307 Secularity and school facing religious plurality
- MD105 Editorial design
- MID112 Practical mediaproduction
- MID202 Advanced Media Production
- MMP303 Investigative Journalism
- MMP305 Media and the Cold War
- MMP306 Documentary Photography
- MMP307 Documentary Film Theory and Analysis
- MMP308 Media Producing
- MMP309 Professional Media Practice
- MMP310 Web Documentary
- MMP311 Risk Communication and Issue Management
- MUS206 Intuitiv komposisjon/improvisasjon og musikkfilosofi
- NIS102 Norwegian language and civilization for international students II
- NOIN101 Norwegian Language, Civilization and Academic life – an Introduction
- REL140 Religion in Norway – past and present