World Heritage Experiences (30 ECTS): - New perspectives to learning and life

Text: Webmaster Volda

- Updated

The course turned out to be full of surprises, adventures and new experiences. Because Kirsi and   other students were the first students ever taking that course, many things during the course changed from the original plan.


- Outdoors you can never predict the weather or take other things for granted, so figuring out the plan b or c became important part of learning. Flexible and open-minded attitude helps a lot, she hints.

What Kirsi enjoyed most on the course was the mixture of theory and practice. During the study trip she learnt to pay attention to hands-on experiences and reflect them in a deeper and more theoretical way. Usually the day-time on the course was filled with practical things, as hikes to isolated mountain farms, traditional farm work or preparing small projects with local artists. In the evening was time for lectures, reflection and blog writing.


- I loved chasing goats, preparing traditional dishes and just being out in the middle of mountains and fjords. At the same time those experiences helped me to understand theories behind positive psychology and experimental learning.

- Also the concept of sustainable development got a new dimension, when I could actually see all the good and not so good practises of tourism on one of the most beautiful areas in the world. We had many interesting discussions about dilemma of how to balance between tourism and protection.  Now I am much more aware of the importance of preserving our natural and cultural heritage.
According to Kirsi one of the best things on the course was supporting group spirit that students had from the beginning. Three weeks isolated from the rest of the world gives a chance to get to know your fellow students and share your thoughts. In addition Kirsi thinks that teachers on the course were professionals on their fields and enthusiastic to share their knowledge and be part of the group.

- Quite rarely you have a chance to have teachers from so different fields of expertise on the same course. At the moment Kirsi is finishing her master degree in journalism for the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. She is not yet sure what she will do after that, but she is interested in learning more about ecology and sustainable development.

Contact person: Susanne Ouff, phone: +47 70 07 52 29,

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