
  • Delicious ERASMUS hour


    International office organized an ERASMUS hour on Thursday, 22nd September from 11.00 to 12.00 o’clock. The event marked the possibility of travelling abroad via the renowned programme, to all the students in Volda.

  • Volda University College - a piece of Vestlandet


    UH-Nett Vest's stand attracted a huge deal of attention at the EAIE conference in Copenhagen and thousands of visitors during the three days of interactive programme.

  • A day to remember


    Leonardo da Vinci said: "Knowledge about the world is food and decoration for human minds." We live our everyday life often without noticing what is happening around us. We go to work, school, university, try to face challenges that appear on our way without having time to stop and admire surroundings and other beautiful places that are around us.

  • ERASMUS practice student from Hradec Kralove University - Czech Republic


    From the autumn 2011, alongside our Spanish trainee in Pangaia, Dunia Soriano Celma, the International office at Volda University College is happy to have the Czech student, Petr Stepanek, on Erasmus placement. As we do with all our international students, we asked Petr to write down his first impressions of Volda.

  • Semester start at VUC


    The new academic year 2011/2012 was opened on the 16th of August with a one minute's silence moment, in the memory of the victims of the terror attack in Oslo and Utøya, 22nd of July.

  • Norwegian and International students ready to celebrate Czech style!


    If you want to know about this small country in the heart of Europe, come to the event and you will get some great information about it, and free typical food!!!
    Don't hesitate and join us on Friday night! We are gonna have tons of fun! And tons of new friends! Just feel free to bring your friends too!

  • Goodbye Volda


    Friday, 29th May, the international students went on a final trip to the bird island Runde. The time has come to say goodbye to each other and to Norwegian nature.

  • International students celebrate 17th May


    Norwegian Constitution Day is the most important national celebration. Every 17th May children, pupils, students, parade together with representatives from various clubs, organizations and groups. Lead by fanfare, marching proudly trough lines of people energetically waving flags, thousands show their pride of being Norwegians.

  • Visit from Lithuania to Volda


    Two guest lecturers from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) will visit Volda University College during the period 11th to 15th April. Mrs. Danute Petrauskaite and Mrs. Jurate Karosaite will give lectures while in Volda, as well as a concert with works by Ciurlionis and other Lithuanian contemporary composers.

  • Fundraising campaign for Japan


    International and Norwegian students joined forces and prepared an action to collect money for the victims of the 11th March earthquake and tsunami in Japan. After three days over 5300,- NOK were raised. The sum was send to Japan via Red Cross International.