Bachelor in Animation
The animation programme in Volda is the eldest course of education at university college level in the Nordic region. Animation, with its central position in computer technology, television and film, is a key element in entertainment, news, information and teaching. The animation programme is an integrated theoretical and practical 3-year programme of study. The animation programme qualifies its graduated students for professional work in animation alone or animation in combination with news, information, advertising and entertainment. The programme qualifies for a Master’s degree at partner universities abroad.
Knowledge:Students should have an advanced understanding of– the entire production process of animated film.– the history of animated film as both entertainment, education and artistic expression.– the role of animated film as an audiovisual expression in media.– media text analysis in general, and animated film analysis in particular. Skills:- be able to work as an animator in a professional studio.- be able to direct the production of an animated short film.- be able to reflect upon the position of animated film in society.- be able to analyze their own and other people’s media texts in a theoretical context.General qualifications:- understand the role of animated film in society and contribute to the further development of the media business.- be able to cooperate with others on creative projects.- be able to communicate and work in an international environment.
Students should have an advanced understanding of
– the entire production process of animated film.
– the history of animated film as both entertainment, education and artistic expression.
– the role of animated film as an audiovisual expression in media.
– media text analysis in general, and animated film analysis in particular.
- be able to work as an animator in a professional studio.
- be able to direct the production of an animated short film.
- be able to reflect upon the position of animated film in society.
- be able to analyze their own and other people’s media texts in a theoretical context.
- understand the role of animated film in society and contribute to the further development of the media business.
- be able to cooperate with others on creative projects.
- be able to communicate and work in an international environment.
The duration of the programme of study is 6 semesters, whereas the first 3 consist of compulsory teaching and practical exercises. The remaining 3 semesters are mainly devoted to the specialization and an extensive examination project. The programme provides a practical and theoretical introduction to all the usual animation techniques (cartoons, puppet films, cut-out and computer animation). The 1st semester is based on classical cartoon exercises and the understanding of animation film and its entertainment value. Students are to produce an animatic (a filmed storyboard with sound) for a short film. The 2nd semester focuses on cut-out animation (both analogue and digital) and experimental animation techniques. Animated film is placed in a general context within both film and art history. The 3rd semester emphasizes puppet film, 3D data and text/movie analysis. Seminars in the practical use of different computer programmes are central in the first 3 semesters; cartoon software in the 1st semester, digital cut-out in the 2nd semester and 3D in the 3rd semester. In the 1st and 2nd semester we look at topics in media studies, and in the 3rd semester the students will perform a larger movie analysis. In the 4th semester you may choose 2 practical production courses, do supervised professional training or go on student exchange. In the 5th and 6th semester the students shall produce an extensive examination production, including a written production report/analysis. Supervised professional training in an animation studio is also a possibility.The school has good connections within the business, both domestically and internationally. The animation studio in Volda has, from the beginning, practiced an international approach. Several teachers come from the international line of business, and a lot of lectures are held in English. Students travel abroad as a part of the programme, and international students come to Volda. Students arrange the film festival AnimationVolda each year. The theoretical teaching is mainly arranged in form of group lectures. The student productions represent the majority of the practical assignments, and this is mostly where the practical teaching takes place. In the practical assignments, individual tutoring and support on all stages of production are important. All practical education is compulsory, unless the student can document equivalent knowledge. Students have the right to ask for an individual education plan review. The different courses use letter grades or pass/fail as form of evaluation. The listed curriculum for each course is meant as a guide. The final curriculum is provided before the semester begins.See course tables for further information regarding the programme of study.The programme of study is evaluated according to Volda University College’s quality assurance system.
Course | 2022 Autumn | 2023 Spring | 2023 Autumn | 2024 Spring | 2024 Autumn | 2025 Spring |
15 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
5 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
Valemne (med atterhald om endringar) | 10 | |||||
10 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
30 | 30 | |||||
Sum (180 total) | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 |
Studentane arbeider praktisk med animasjon gjennom heile studiet. Fjerde semester er det mogleg å ha praksis i eit animasjonsstudio. Studentane arrangerer filmfestivalen Animation Volda kvar haust.
Skulen har eit godt utbygd nettverk av partneruniversitet der studentane kan søke utveksling. Animasjonsstudiet i Volda har sidan starten hatt ei internasjonal tilnærming. Tilsette har kontaktar i den internasjonale bransjen, og noko av undervisinga er på engelsk. Studentane kan reise utanlands som ein del av studiet, og internasjonale studentar kjem til Volda.
Kvart semester betaler ein den ordinære semesteravgifta på 700 kr.